More information, the original certificates supplied by the end user
had unwrapped base64 blocks, lines 2,500 long.  I wrapped them for

If I try the asn1parse command on the wrapped certificates, they now
attempt to parse, the OK is fine, the bad one now gives an error
message from asn1parse:

Error in encoding
20236:error:0D07209B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:too

and error:09091064:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio_ex:bad base64 decode
from PEM_read_bio_X509.  

The RFC says 'Parsers MAY handle other line sizes' but it would be good
if OpenSSL gave a 'PEM line too long' error rather than no error.  I'll
change my library code to check for line ending in the base64 to give
the user a polite message.  

Now the only problem is what is asn1 decoding unhappy with?


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