> From: 定平袁 <pkudingp...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 December, 2020 20:08
> To: Michael Wojcik <michael.woj...@microfocus.com>

Please do not send messages regarding OpenSSL to me directly. Send them to the 
openss-users list. That is where the discussion belongs.

> > Why are you appending it to the file containing the existing certificate?

> I am rotating certificate, before the server side cert been replaced, the 
> client
> side cert need to be valid, so when rotating, need both old and new cert 
> exist.

I'm afraid it still isn't clear to me what you're doing. Both the server's 
entity certificate and the client's entity certificate are in the same file? 
What does this file contain before you append the new certificate?

> > It sounds like you're updating the server's entity certificate.

> I guess it's entity certificate (still trying to understand different cert
> concept...)

Does it identify the server, in the Subject DN and/or one or more Subject 
Alternative Name extensions?

> Below is the error message:

I'm afraid that message doesn't appear to contain any useful information.

> All the 3 clients used the same ca.crt file, which has an old cert in
> first, then a new cert behind. Only Python (used OpenSSL) failed.

So *this* sounds like what you're changing in this particular file is the set 
of trust anchors, not the entity certificates.

Where did your "CA" certificates come from? A commercial CA or some personal or 
organizational CA? From your description it sounds like the problem may be that 
the CA certificates were not generated correctly. Without the certificates to 
examine, we can't say.

Can you post the old and new certificates in PEM form in your next message?

Please note that due to the holidays I will not be reading email for several 
days, and it's likely that some other regular list members will be similarly 

Michael Wojcik

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