Openssl  Version 1.1.1l

I am trying to compile openssl in Aix 7.2 OS ( ./Configure aix64-cc   )

While running make, receiving error

"*Undeclared identifier RTLD_MEMBER" *
*"ldinfo_next" is not a member of "struct ld_info". *

Any pointers will be much helpful.


*cc  -I. -Iinclude -qpic -q64 -qmaxmem=16384 -qro -qroconst -qthreaded -O
crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.o crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c*

*"crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c", line 114.18: 1506-045 (S) Undeclared identifier
RTLD_MEMBER."/usr/include/sys/ldr.h", line 168.9: 1506-046 (S) Syntax
error."/usr/include/sys/ldr.h", line 205.5: 1506-046 (S) Syntax
error."/usr/include/sys/ldr.h", line 218.5: 1506-046 (S) Syntax
error."/usr/include/sys/ldr.h", line 225.5: 1506-046 (S) Syntax
error."/usr/include/sys/ldr.h", line 265.45: 1506-046 (S) Syntax
error."crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c", line 398.53: 1506-022 (S) "ldinfo_next" is
not a member of "struct ld_info"."crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c", line 400.24:
1506-022 (S) "ldinfo_next" is not a member of "struct ld_info".make[1]: ***
[crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.o] Error 1make[1]: Leaving directory
`/usr/mohant2/aix/openssl-1.1.1l'make: *** [all] Error 2*

Thiagu Mohan

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