We are frolicsome to announce the release of:

puppet-nova 9.3.0: Puppet module for OpenStack Nova

This release is part of the newton release series.

For more details, please see below.

Changes in puppet-nova 9.2.0..9.3.0

a306b35 Prepare 9.3.0 (newton rc1)
19625e8 Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-nova 
846b8bc Make cinder a soft dependency
a8e3d48 add libvirt live_migration timeout parameters
4f93e49 Allow to set pci_passthrough to an empty value

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

manifests/api.pp                            | 30 ++++++++++++++-----
manifests/compute.pp                        | 45 ++++++++++++++++-------------
manifests/compute/rbd.pp                    |  7 ++++-
manifests/init.pp                           |  3 +-
manifests/keystone/auth.pp                  |  6 ++--
manifests/migration/libvirt.pp              | 35 ++++++++++++++++------
manifests/network.pp                        |  3 +-
manifests/params.pp                         |  3 +-
metadata.json                               | 12 ++++----
releasenotes/source/conf.py                 |  4 +--
spec/classes/nova_api_spec.rb               | 10 +++++++
spec/classes/nova_compute_spec.rb           |  8 +++--
spec/classes/nova_migration_libvirt_spec.rb |  8 ++++-
13 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

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