On Fri, 2013-06-21 at 09:16 -0700, Armando Migliaccio wrote:
> In my view a cell should only know about the queue it's connected to,
> and let the 'global' message queue to do its job of dispatching the
> messages to the right recipient: that would solve the problem
> altogether.

There is no "global" message queue in the context of cells.

> Were federated queues and topic routing not considered fit for the
> purpose? I guess the drawback with this is that it is tight to Rabbit.

Again, there's no single message queue in the context of cells.  I'm
assuming that was to avoid a bottleneck, but Chris Behrens would be able
to say better exactly why this design choice was made.  All I'm doing in
this discussion is trying to address one element of the current design;
I'm not trying to redesign cell communication.
Kevin L. Mitchell <kevin.mitch...@rackspace.com>

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