On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com> wrote:

> On 07/11/2013 05:20 AM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> > On Wed, 2013-07-10 at 19:49 -0400, Monty Taylor wrote:
> >> I'd like top-post and hijack this thread for another exception related
> >> thing:
> >>
> >> a) Anyone writing code such as:
> >>
> >> try:
> >>   blah()
> >> except SomeException:
> >>   raise SomeOtherExceptionLeavingOutStackContextFromSomeException
> >>
> >> should be mocked ruthlessly.
> >
> > Ok, mock me ruthlessly then.
> Mock. Mock. Mock. Mock.
> > Part of designing any API is specifying what predictable exceptions it
> > will raise. For any predictable error condition, you don't want callers
> > to have to catch random exceptions from the underlying libraries you
> > might be calling into.
> Absolutely. But you don't want to go so overboard that you remove the
> ability for a developer to debug it. More importantly, INSIDE of server
> code, we're not designing fun apis for the consumption of people we
> don't know. There is clearly an API, but we are the consumers of our own
> API.

Lies! Write everything to be intuitive for new contributors or we won't
have any :(

> > Say if I was designing an image downloading API, I'd do something like
> > this:
> >
> >   https://gist.github.com/markmc/5973868
> >
> > Assume there's a tonne more stuff that the API would do. You don't want
> > callers to have to catch socket.error exceptions and whatever other
> > exceptions might be thrown.
> >
> > That works out as:
> >
> >   Traceback (most recent call last):
> >     File "t.py", line 20, in <module>
> >       download_image('localhost', 3366, 'foobar')
> >     File "t.py", line 18, in download_image
> >       raise ImageDownloadFailure(host, port, path, e.strerror)
> >   __main__.ImageDownloadFailure: Failed to download foobar from
> localhost:3366: Connection refused
> >
> > Which is a pretty clear exception.
> Right, but what if the message from the exception does not give you
> enough information to walk down the stack and see it...
> Also, I have more than once seen:
> class MyIOError(Exception):
>     pass
> try:
>     s = socket.create_connection((host, port))
> except socket.error:
>     raise MyIOError("something went wrong!")
> Which is an extreme example of where my rage comes from, but not a made
> up example. I have, actually, seen code exactly like that - in Nova.
> BTW - I'd have download_image return None if it can't download the
> image, and I'd have it either deal with the socket.error or not locally
> at the source. But now we're nitpicking.
> > But I think what you're saying is missing is the stack trace from the
> > underlying exception.
> YES - and I'll let David's response respond to the details of the rest...
> But essentially, what I was really mocking earlier is throwing a new
> exception in such a way that you lose the exception propagation path. So
> if you throw an exception inside of an except block, you should be sure
> that you're passing on all of the info, because if a developer gets an
> exception, it's quite likely that they want to know how to fix it. :)
> > As I understood it, Python doesn't have a way of chaining exceptions
> > like this but e.g. Java does. A little bit more poking right now shows
> > up this:
> >
> >   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3134/
> >
> > i.e. we can't do the right thing until Python 3, where we'd do:
> >
> >  def download_image(host, port, path):
> >      try:
> >          s = socket.create_connection((host, port))
> >      except socket.error as e:
> >          raise ImageDownloadFailure(host, port, path, e.strerror) from e
> This will certainly be cleaner to write and read.
> > I haven't read the PEP in detail yet, though.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mark.
> >
> >
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