I will also be working to help get cells passing tests. I just setup a blueprint on the Nova side for this, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/cells-gating.

On 07/13/13 at 05:00pm, Chris Behrens wrote:
I can make a commitment to help getting cells passing.  Basically, I'd like to 
do whatever I can to make sure we can have a useful gate on cells.  
Unfortunately I'm going to be mostly offline for the next 10 days or so, 
however. :)

I thought there was a sec group patch up for cells, but I've not fully reviewed 

The generic "cannot communicate with cell 'child'" almost sounds like some 
other basic issue.... I'll see if I can take a peak during my layovers tonight.

On Jul 13, 2013, at 8:28 AM, Sean Dague <s...@dague.net> wrote:

On 07/13/2013 10:50 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
Currently cells can even get past devstack exercises, which
are very
minor sanity checks for the environment (nothing tricky).

I thought that the plan was to deprecate the devstack exercises and
just use tempest. Is that not the case? I'd bet that the devstack
exercises are just not even on anyone's radar. Since the excellent work
you QA folks did to harden those tests before grizzly, I expect most
people take them for granted now :)

Digging into the logs just a bit, I see what looks like early failures
related to missing security group issues in the cells manager log. I
know there are some specific requirements in how things have to be set
up for cells, so I think it's likely that we'll need to do some
tweaking of configs to get all of this right.

We enabled the test knowing that it wasn't going to pass for a while,
and it's only been running for less than 24 hours. In the same way that
the grenade job had (until recently) been failing on everything, the
point of enabling the cells test now is so that we can start iterating
on fixes so that we can hopefully have some amount of regular test
coverage before havana.

Like I said, as long as someone is going to work on it, I'm happy. :) I just 
don't want this to be an enable the tests and hope magically fairies come to 
fix them issue. That's what we did on full neutron tests, and it's been 
bouncing around like that for a while.

We are planning on disabling the devstack exercises, it wasn't so much that, 
it's that it looks like there is fundamental lack of functioning nova on 
devstack for cells right now. The security groups stack trace is just a side 
effect of cells falling over in a really low level way (this is what's before 
and after the trace).

2013-07-13 00:12:18.605 ERROR nova.cells.scheduler 
[req-dcbb868c-98a7-4d65-94b3-e1234c50e623 demo demo] Couldn't communicate with 
cell 'child'
2013-07-13 00:12:18.606 ERROR nova.cells.scheduler 
[req-dcbb868c-98a7-4d65-94b3-e1234c50e623 demo demo] Couldn't communicate with 
any cells

Again, mostly I want to know that we've got a blueprint or bug that's high 
priority and someone's working on it. It did take a while to get grenade there 
(we're 2 bugs away from being able to do it repeatably in the gate), but during 
that time we did have people working on it. It just takes a while to get to the 
bottom of these issues some times, so I want people to have a realistic 
expectation on how quickly we'll go from running upstream to gating.


Sean Dague

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