Hey all,

I've been poking around to get an understanding of what some of these default 
meters mean in the course of researching this Glance bug 
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1201701). I was wondering if anyone 
could explain to me what the instance meter is. The unit 'instance' sort of 
confuses me when each one of these meters is tied to a single resource 
(instance), especially because it looks like a count of all notifications 
regarding a particular instance that hit the bus. Here's some output for one of 
the instances I spun up: http://paste.openstack.org/show/42963/. Another 
concern I have is I think I may have found another bug, because I can delete 
the instance shown in this paste, and it still has a resource state description 
of 'scheduling' long after it's been deleted: 
http://paste.openstack.org/show/42962/, much like the Glance issue I'm 
currently working on.

I'm very new to this, so feel free to be verbose. =]

Thanks for your time!


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