On Fri, 2013-08-02 at 09:00 -0700, James E. Blair wrote:
> Hi,
> Anthony Dodd has recently implemented some cool new features that we
> discussed at the summit -- driving more automation from commit messages.
> Here's what you need to know to use the new features:
> Use header style references when referencing a bug in your commit
> log. The following styles are now supported and recommended [1]:
>     Closes-Bug: #1234567 -- use 'Closes-Bug' if the commit is intended to
>     fully fix and close the bug being referenced.
>     Partial-Bug: #1234567 -- use 'Partial-Bug' if the commit is only a
>     partial fix and more work is needed.
>     Related-Bug: #1234567 -- use 'Related-Bug' if the commit is merely
>     related to the referenced bug.
> While it is perfectly fine to reference a bug at any point within your
> commit log, in order for proper automation to take place, ensure that
> you reference your bugs on their own line, and preferably at the bottom
> of the commit log near the Change-Id header as prescribed in our wiki
> [2].
> The Regular Expression which we use to parse commit logs for bug
> references is case-insensitive. Using the header 'closes-bug' is
> identical to using 'Closes-Bug' in terms of the automation it will
> affect.
> If your fix spans multiple commits, then simply use the 'Partial-Bug'
> header when you reference your bug. Then, when you are ready to close
> the bug with a final commit, use the 'Closes-Bug' header.
> If you are having a lot of difficulty remembering to use the recommended
> header styles, have no fear! Referencing your bugs the old school way
> still works. That is:
>     bug #123454321 -- this will invoke the 'Closes-Bug' functionality.
>     fixes bug: #123454321 -- this will invoke the 'Closes-Bug'
>     functionality.
>     resolves bug: #123454321 -- this will invoke the 'Closes-Bug'
>     functionality.
>     Supplying an unknown bug header—such as 'Mega-Bug: #123454321' -- will
>     simply invoke the 'Related-Bug' functionality for safety reasons.
> [1] For original summit discussion, see
>     https://etherpad.openstack.org/drive-automation-from-commitmsg
> [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages
> Thanks again, Anthony, for doing this!

Nice! This is going to be really useful, especially the ability to
mention bugs without the commit being seen as a fix for the bug, and the
ability to say a commit is a partial fix.


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