On Aug 20, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Ed Leafe <e...@openstack.org> wrote:

> On Aug 20, 2013, at 2:33 PM, Chris Behrens <cbehr...@codestud.com>
> wrote:
>> For instances table, we want to make sure 'uuid' is unique.  But we can't 
>> put a unique constraint on that alone.  If that instance gets deleted.. we 
>> should be able to create another entry with the same uuid without a problem. 
>>  So we need a unique constraint on uuid+deleted.  But if 'deleted' is only 0 
>> or 1… we can only have 1 entry deleted and 1 entry not deleted.  Using 
>> deleted=`id` to mark deletion solves that problem.  You could use 
>> deleted_at… but 2 creates and deletes within the same second would not work. 
>> :)
> This creates another problem if you ever need to delete this second instance, 
> because now you have two with the same uuid and the same deleted status.

Not with the setting of 'deleted' to the row's `id` on delete… since `id` is 

- Chris

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