
We've been working in a new look and feel for the metrics dash, and that would be awesome if we get some feedback from you :). Please, take into account that this is still work in progress... so there are a lot of missing details.

The current version of the dash can be found at [1], while the new and improved version can be found at [2].

With this step, we've tried to focus on the community side, having numbers about participants in mailing lists, developers or tickets activity.

Then, in each of the data sources you'll find a summary (examples of git at [3]) and a list of repositories and companies participating in the development, discussions or tickets activity in each of the cases.

As you can see, Code review and IRC do not properly work (work in progress) and we have added specific studies regarding the demographics of the OpenStack community at [4]. (still not really understandable, but they are basically typical pyramids of population).

Finally, some examples of specific pages (it takes a bit to load... things to improve u_u):
- Nova activity (Source Code -> by repositories -> nova.git) [5]
- University of Melbourne members activity (Source Code -> by companies -> University of Melbourne) [6]

In the following days I'll try to keep you informed about how to query the database to get this datasets or directly to play with the JSON files. In any case, please remember that you can easily create your own evolutionary charts using the actionable dashboard [7] or directly feeding your
favorite viz tool using the JSON files [8].


[1] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/browser/
[2] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/newbrowser/browser/
[3] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/newbrowser/browser/scm.html
[4] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/newbrowser/browser/demographics.html
[5] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/newbrowser/browser/repository.html?repository=nova.git [6] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/newbrowser/browser/company.html?company=University%20of%20Melbourne
[7] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/dashboard/
[8] http://activity.openstack.org/dash/browser/data/json/

Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar, PhD
Chief Data Officer
"Software Analytics for your peace of mind"

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