Hi there,

We've been investigating some guest filesystem issues recently and noticed
what looks like a slight inconsistency in base image handling in
block-migration. We're on Grizzly from the associated Ubuntu cloud archive
and using qcow on local storage.

What we've noticed is that after block-migration the instances secondary
disk has a "generic" backing file _base/ephemeral, as opposed to the
backing file it was created with, e.g., _base/ephemeral_30_default. These
backing files have different virtual sizes:
$ qemu-img info _base/ephemeral
image: _base/ephemeral
file format: raw
virtual size: 2.0G (2147483648 bytes)
disk size: 778M
$ qemu-img info _base/ephemeral_30_default
image: _base/ephemeral_30_default
file format: raw
virtual size: 30G (32212254720 bytes)
disk size: 614M

This seems like it could be problematic considering virtual disks of
different sizes end up pointed at this _base/ephemeral file, and I've no
idea how that file is created in the first place. Can anyone explain?

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