On 08/10/13 01:01, Russell Bryant wrote:
> On 10/07/2013 06:34 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
>> There is a configuration option stating what to do with instances that are 
>> still in the hypervisor but have been deleted from the database. I think you 
>> want:
>> running_deleted_instance_action=reap
>> You probably also want
>> resume_guests_state_on_host_boot=true
>> to bring back the instances that were running before the node was powered 
>> off. We should definitely consider changing the default of these two values 
>> since I think the default values are probably not what most people would 
>> want.
> Thanks, vish.  Those defaults keep biting ...
> We tried changing the default of resume_guests_state_on_host_boot in the
> RDO packages at one point, but ended up turning it back off.  I believe
> we had some problems with nova-compute trying to start instances before
> nova-network was fully initialized, sometimes leaving instances in a
> broken state.  That kind of stuff is all fixable though, and if we go
> ahead and change the defaults early in Icehouse dev, we should have
> plenty of time to deal with any fallout before Icehouse is released.

IIRC - the consensus was that resume_guests_state_on_host_boot is not
what cloud users would expect actually. If the instance went down, it is
likely that another one took it's place and bringing the old one back up
might cause problems.

I will comment on the review and we can take the discussion there if
more appropriate.



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