On 16 October 2013 09:54, Vishvananda Ishaya <vishvana...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've been following this conversation and weighing the different sides. This 
> is a tricky issue but I think it is important to decouple further and extend 
> our circle of trust.
> When nova started it was very easy to do feature development. As it has 
> matured the pace has slowed. This is expected and necessary, but we 
> periodically must make decoupling decisions or we will become mired in 
> overhead. We did this already with cinder and neutron, and we have discussed 
> doing this with virt drivers in the past.
> We have a large number of people attempting to contribute to small sections 
> of nova and getting frustrated with the process.  The perception of 
> developers is much more important than the actual numbers here. If people are 
> frustrated they are disincentivized to help and it hurts everyone. Suggesting 
> that these contributors need to learn all of nova and help with the review 
> queue is silly and makes us seem elitist. We should make it as easy as 
> possible for new contributors to help.

So I agree that perception is a big and significant thing here, but...

I think the fundamental issue is review latency:

Stats since the last revision without -1 or -2 (ignoring jenkins):

Average wait time: 6 days, 17 hours, 24 minutes
1rd quartile wait time: 0 days, 19 hours, 25 minutes
Median wait time: 3 days, 20 hours, 3 minutes
3rd quartile wait time: 7 days, 7 hours, 16 minutes

At the moment 25% of the time Nova reviews sit for over a week [btw we
probably want to not ignore Jenkins in that statistic, as I suspect
reviewers tend to ignore patches that Jenkins hated on].

Now, you may say 'hey, 7 days isn't terrible', but actually it is: if
a developer is producing (say) 2 patches a day, then after 7 calendar
days they may have as many as 10 patches in a vertical queue awaiting
review. Until the patch is reviewed for design-and-architectural
issues (ignoring style stuff which isn't disruptive), all the work
they are doing may need significant rework. Having to redo a week of
work is disruptive to the contributor.

The median wait time of 3 days would nearly halve the amount of rework
that can occur, which would be a significant benefit.

Nova has (over the last 30 days) -
Total reviews: 3386
Total reviewers: 173

By my count 138 of the reviewers have done less than 20 reviews in
that 30 day period - thats less than one review a day. -

So, 520 reviews from that 138 folk, but if they did 1 per weekday,
that would be 2760 reviews, bringing the total to 3386+2760-520=5626
reviews - or nearly *double* the review bandwidth.

Now, that won't get you more cores overnight, but that sustained
effort learning about the codebase will bring significant knowledge to
a wide set of folk - and thats what's needed to become core, and
increase the approval bandwidth in the team. I don't know exactly what
russell looks for in managing the set of -core, but surely having
enough knowledge is part of it.

Now, I've nothing against having reviewers specialise in a part of the
code base, and making that official - but I think it must be paired
with still requiring substantial knowledge of the projects code and
architecture: just because something is changing in e.g.
nova/virt/disk/api.py doesn't make it irrelevant to specific virt
drivers, and the right way to use something in the rest of the code
base is also relevant to virt drivers, and knowing *whats there to
reuse* is also important.

So, I guess my proposal is, make a restricted +2 category of reviewer:
 - social agreement to +2 only in enumerated areas
 - still need widespread knowledge of nova's code
 - best demonstrated by sustained regular reviews of other changes
 - but granted after a shorter incubation period
 - migrates to full in time
 - privilege and responsibility lost by the same criteria as all other reviewers

Of course, if this has been tried, fine - but AFAICT 'contribute
equally' hasn't been tried yet.


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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