On 10/16/2013 02:05 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi there,
> It appears that in Debian, python-coverage provides the wrapper in
> /usr/bin/python-coverage. I tried to push the current maintainer to
> provide /usr/bin/coverage, but he doesn't agree. He believes that
> "coverage" is just too generic to be squatted by the python-coverage
> package.
> Robert Colins wrote that he sees it ok-ish if all of the OpenStack
> projects makes it so that we could also use /usr/bin/python-coverage.
> What is the view of others in the project? Could the path be checked,
> and then used, so that it works in every cases? Of course, the goal
> would be to avoid "by hand" patching in debian/patches whenever
> possible, because this is a major pain.
> Your thoughts?

I agree, coverage is too generic.
But I also see /usr/bin/coverage is used in Red Hat land too :(
I've logged a request for /usr/bin/python-coverage to be
used and to have coverage as a symlink for compat, but to
be phased out over a certain period:


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