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On 2013/21/10 20:59, Liz Blanchard wrote:
Hi Jarda,

Below you will find my comments and questions on the latest version of the Resource Class Creation wireframes.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

On Oct 16, 2013, at 12:31 PM, Jaromir Coufal <jcou...@redhat.com <mailto:jcou...@redhat.com>> wrote:

Hey folks,

I am sending an updated version of wireframes for Resource Class Creation. Thanks everybody for your feedback, I tried to cover most of your concerns and I am sending updated version for your reviews. If you have any concerns, I am happy to discuss it with you.


1) Will the user be able to click on any of the wizard steps in the menu at the top?

2) There shouldn't be a "Back" button on the first step of the wizard. The user will never have an opportunity to go back from here.

3) First class should be selected by default. Especially if the field that changes below is just the description.

4) Rather than labeling the class description with the class name, it should be "Class Description:".

5) The "Assist" checkbox labeling is confusing. Perhaps "Assist with proper halving of resources" would be better?

6) If the user unselects the "Assist" checkbox, it would be great if that section could collapse to save space. Alternatively, it would reappear if the user selects the checkbox again.

7) How come the user can't click the back button from the 2nd page? It looks greyed out like the "Hardware Profile" button.

8) I think we need a clearer design for when a table is empty. Maybe even a small message within the table along the lines of "There are currently no items."

9) Rather than "Yes" and "No" in the confirmation dialog, I think it would make it more clear to the user if the action they were taking is used. For example "Start Over" or "Enable Assistant" would be more descriptive.

10) Is the Node Profile name going to be reflected in the tab name above? If so, it might be nice to fill in the field for "Profile Name" to be "Node Profile 1" by default. Then it could change as the user changes it in the field.

11) It would be better to name the "Add Row" link more specifically to the action. Probably "Add Requirement" in this case.

12) Is the "Associated Images" field supposed to be a drop down? Or should there be a Browse button? I'm just wondering why it has the helper text "Choose an image".

13) Would the image have an extension associated with it? If so, it might be good to show different examples here (Ex. QCOW2, ISO, IMG)

14) Are you sure we should select Nodes to assign to this resource class by default? It would be nice to ask some sample users this type of thing.

15) I think we can combine the label of "4 Matching Available Nodes" and the select action. This way, it would be clear that the user would be selecting the 4 matching nodes...

16) The filter/search should be aligned closer to the table that it is filtering.

17) Where does the "L2-default_group" name come from in this list?

18) The filter description should probably be shortened to read "Current Filter: group 2". Also, I think the number of results might make sense to be on a different level. This might start to feel more organized if the search/filter control comes down to this level so that it's closer to the table.

19) If the user unselects the "Select all available" after filtering, it should still unselect all 4 matching nodes. In your example you've shown that only 2 of the 4 are unselected and then in screen 29 th user is in a weird state where they have unselected all matching nodes, but the table still shows that 2 nodes are selected. I think instead, it might make sense to have a "Select All/Unselected All" action at the table level.

-- Jarda
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