Hi David,

I think that's the wrong table (remembering our conversation!)....the role 
assignment table(s) in keystone today is part of what you would call a mapper 
table, they don't define the attributes.  What I think we agreed was rather 
than taking one giant lead to the all-encompassing mapper table, we would:

- refactor the current 4 tables into 1 that stored assignments (i.e. actor X, 
has attribute Y, on target z), where today:
> actor can be user or group
> attribute is a role
> target can be project or domain
- create a first version of the true  mapper table, who's sole job was to map 
IDP groups into something keystone understands (usually a keystone group, I 
would suggest)

I think that's we decided......or is the memory fading already....

On 13 Nov 2013, at 17:00, David Chadwick <d.w.chadw...@kent.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Dolph
> I have one comment concerning Refactoring:
> role assignment tables in SQL backend should be unified into a SQL table 
> which lacks referential integrity
> I am not quite sure what this means, but I did suggest creating an attribute 
> definition table that would include the definitions of all Keystone authz 
> attributes such as role, domain, project as well as identity attributes such 
> as location, group, email address etc. Definitions would include such things 
> as: delegatable or not, for keystone authz or not (see below). Once this 
> table has been defined, then all user role assignments can be collapsed into 
> one table (no need for separate role, domain tables etc) with the assigned 
> attribute pointing to the entry in the definition table.
> Was this what your bullet point was referring to, or was it something 
> different?
> Here is a strawman proposal
> Table name = Attribute
> id: the unique primary key
> Attribute name: (user friendly name e.g. role, domain, etc.)
> Attribute Ref: (global id of attribute such as OID or URL, as used by SAML 
> and LDAP)
> Type: (authz or identity)
> Delegatable: [Yes|No]
> Values: [string|integer|Boolean]
> Now when you assign a role, domain, location, email address or any other 
> attribute to a user a single assignment table can be used such as:
> Table name: Attribute Assignment
> id: the unique primary key of this assignment
> UserID: id of user this attribute is assigned to
> AttributeID: id of attribute from above table
> Value: the value of the assigned attribute
> you dont need to change the existing APIs and procedure calls, as they can be 
> re-written to access the new tables.
> regards
> David
> On 13/11/2013 16:04, Dolph Mathews wrote:
>> I guarantee there's a few things I'm forgetting, but this is my
>> collection of things we discussed at the summit and determined to be
>> good things to pursue during the icehouse timeframe. The contents
>> represent a high level mix of etherpad conclusions and hallway meetings.
>> https://gist.github.com/dolph/7366031
>> Corrections and amendments appreciated - thanks!
>> -Dolph
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