Sure - in the image you can install a boot block and boot loader -
that should work today.

Installing boot loaders is an interesting problem because it's an
interaction between the OS and the hardware: the right loader to use
depends on the hardware (BIOS/UEFI) and OS (32-bit/64-bit...). I Don't
think that we have a good consensus yet on how to divide up the work
to preserve abstraction layers and handle this super nicely.


On 14 November 2013 08:34, Vijay <> wrote:
> Using baremetal provisioning, I was able to provision a physical server with
> an image. However, after I disconnected the server from openstack cluster
> and tried to boot the physical server with hard disk, it could not find the
> image. Is there a way to persist the pxe image on to the hard disk so that
> it could be used later by the server to boot from its hard disk?
> Thanks,
> -vj
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HP Converged Cloud

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