On 11/14/2013 06:11 AM, Zane Bitter wrote:
> On 11/11/13 17:57, Thomas Spatzier wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have just posted the following wiki page to reflect a refined proposal
>> for HOT software configuration based on discussions at the design summit
>> last week. Angus also put a sample up in an etherpad last week, but
>> we did
>> not have enough time to go thru it in the design session. My write-up is
>> based on Angus' sample, actually a refinement, and on discussions we
>> had in
>> breaks, plus it is trying to reflect all the good input from ML
>> discussions
>> and Steve Baker's initial proposal.
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Heat/Blueprints/hot-software-config-WIP
>> Please review and provide feedback.
> I believe there's an error in the Explicit dependency section, where
> it says that depends_on is a property. In cfn DependsOn actually
> exists at the same level as Type, Properties, &c.
> resources:
>   client:
>     type: My::Software::SomeClient
>     properties:
>       server: { get_resource: my_server }
>       params:
>         # params ...
>     depends_on:
>       - get_resource: server_process1
>       - get_resource: server_process2
> And conceptually this seems correct, because it applies to any kind of
> resource, whereas properties are defined per-resource-type.
> Don't be fooled by our implementation:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44733/
> It also doesn't support a list, but I think we can and should fix that
> in HOT.
This has already been fixed
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