We have a team working on getting CI setup for DB2 10.5 in sqlalchemy-migrate and they were asking me if there was a way to calculate the patch load through that project.

I asked around in the infra IRC channel and Jeremy Stanley pointed out that there might be something available in http://graphite.openstack.org/ by looking for the project's test stats.

I found that if you expand stats_counts > zuul > job and then search for your project (sqlalchemy-migrate in this case), you can find the jobs and their graphs for load. In my case I care about stats for gate-sqlalchemy-migrate-python27.

I'm having a little trouble interpreting the data though. From looking at what's out there for review now, there is one new patch created on 11/19 and the last new one before that was on 11/15. I see spikes in the graph around 11/15, 11/18 and 11/19, but I'm not sure what the 11/18 spike is from?



Matt Riedemann

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