The Product Work Group and the Foundation have created a new track for the 
Boston Summit dedicated exclusively to project updates. We wanted to give you 
some additional details so that you can speak with your PTLs at the Project 
Teams Gathering and plan to update the community on your efforts. 

Invitations have gone out to the 25 most-adopted OpenStack projects’ Pike PTLs. 
The PTLs can choose to speak solo or can ask core contributors to co-present 
with them (and there are free speaker codes for co-presenters, in case you 
don’t already have a free code from the PTG). 

We have a limited number of spaces available for emerging projects. These are 
short, 20-minute speaking slots that will be recorded and the video will be 
integrated into the OpenStack project navigator at 
<>. It’s a great way to showcase 
your project and recruit new developers. 

We’re taking self-nominations through March 2. We’ll confirm your speaking 
space during the week of March 6. Just fill out this form (much simpler than 
the CFP) to nominate yourself and/or colleagues to present a project update: <>

Please reach out to me if I can answer any questions!
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