
Recently we've been running into some issues keeping our EPEL mirror properly
sync'd. We are working to fix this, however we'd also like to do the following:

  Stop enabling EPEL mirror by default

For the most part, we enable EPEL for our image build process, this to install
haveged.  However, it is also likely the majority of centos-7 projects don't
actually need EPEL.  I know specifically both RDO and TripleO avoid using the
EPEL repository because of how unstable it is.

Since it is possible this could be a breaking change, jobs will still be able to
use EPEL, but it will be an opt-in process. Your jobs will need to be updated to

  $ sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel

Feel free to join us in openstack-infra if you have any questions or concerns.


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