
In order to improve the javascript quality of Horizon, we have to change the 
testing framework of the client-side. Qunit is a good tool for simple tests, 
but the integration of Angular need some powerful features which are not 
present in Qunit. So, I have made a little POC with the javascript testing 
library Jasmine, which is the one given as an example into the Angularjs 
documentation. I have also rewrite a Qunit test in Jasmine in order to show 
that the change is quite easy to make.

Feel free to comment in this mailing list the pros and cons of this new tool, 
and to checkout my code for reviewing it. I have also made an helper for quick 
development of Jasmine tests through Selenium.

To finish, I need your opinion for a new command line in run_tests.sh. I think 
we should create a run_tests.sh --runserver-test target which will allow 
developers to see all the javascript test page. This new command line will 
allow people to avoid the use of the command line for running Selenium tests, 
and allow them to view their tests in a comfortable html interface. It could be 
interesting for the development of tests, this command line will only be used 
for development purpose.

Waiting for your feedbacks!

Here is a link to the Jasmine POC: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/59580/

Maxime Vidori

OpenStack-dev mailing list

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