On 04/12/2017 01:22 PM, Thomas Herve wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 9:00 PM, Dan Sneddon <dsned...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> I'm implementing predictable control plane IPs for spine/leaf, and I'm
>> running into a problem implementing this in the TripleO Heat templates.
>> I have a review in progress [1] that works, but fails on upgrade, so I'm
>> looking for an alternative approach. I'm trying to influence the IP
>> address that is selected for overcloud nodes' Control Plane IP. Here is
>> the current construct:
>>   Controller:
>>     type: OS::TripleO::Server
>>     metadata:
>>       os-collect-config:
>>         command: {get_param: ConfigCommand}
>>     properties:
>>       image: {get_param: controllerImage}
>>       image_update_policy: {get_param: ImageUpdatePolicy}
>>       flavor: {get_param: OvercloudControlFlavor}
>>       key_name: {get_param: KeyName}
>>       networks:
>>         - network: ctlplane  # <- Here's where the port is created
>> If I add fixed_ip: to the networks element at the end of the above, I
>> can select an IP address from the 'ctlplane' network, like this:
>>       networks:
>>         - network: ctlplane
>>           fixed_ip: {get_attr: [ControlPlanePort, ip_address]}
>> But the problem is that if I pass a blank string to fixed_ip, I get an
>> error on deployment. This means that the old behavior of automatically
>> selecting an IP doesn't work.
>> I thought I has solved this by passing an external Neutron port, like this:
>>       networks:
>>         - network: ctlplane
>>           port: {get_attr: [ControlPlanePort, port_id]}
>> Which works for deployments, but that fails on upgrades, since the
>> original port was created as part of the Nova::Server resource, instead
>> of being an external resource.
> Can you detail how it fails? I was under the impression we never
> replaced servers no matter what (or we try to do that, at least). Is
> the issue that your new port is not the correct one?
>> I'm now looking for a way to use Heat conditionals to apply the fixed_ip
>> only if the value is not unset. Looking at the intrinsic functions [2],
>> I don't see a way to do this. Is what I'm trying to do with Heat possible?
> You should be able to write something like that (not tested):
> networks:
>   if:
>     - <my condition>
>     - network: ctlplane
>       fixed_ip: {get_attr: [ControlPlanePort, ip_address]}
>     - network: ctlplane
> The question is how to define your condition. Maybe:
> conditions:
>   fixed_ip_condition:
>      not:
>         equals:
>           - {get_attr: [ControlPlanePort, ip_address]}
>           - ''
> To get back to the problem you stated first.
>> Another option I'm exploring is conditionally applying resources. It
>> appears that would require duplicating the entire TripleO::Server stanza
>> in *-role.yaml so that there is one that uses fixed_ip and one that does
>> not. Which one is applied would be based on a condition that tested
>> whether fixed_ip was blank or not. The downside of that is that it would
>> make the role definition confusing because there would be a large
>> resource that was implemented twice, with only one line difference
>> between them.
> You can define properties with conditions, so you shouldn't need to
> rewrite everything.


Thanks, I will try your suggestions and that should get me closer.

The full error log is available here:

Here are the errors I am getting:

2017-04-12 00:26:34.436655 | 2017-04-12 00:26:29Z
UPDATE_FAILED  RetryError: resources.CephStorage: RetryError[<Future at
0xdd62550 state=finished returned bool>]
2017-04-12 00:26:34.436808 | 2017-04-12 00:26:29Z
[overcloud-CephStorage-bkucn6ign34i-0-2yq2jbtwuu7k]: UPDATE_FAILED
RetryError: resources.CephStorage: RetryError[<Future at 0xdd62550
state=finished returned bool>]
2017-04-12 00:26:34.436903 | 2017-04-12 00:26:29Z
[overcloud-CephStorage-bkucn6ign34i.0]: UPDATE_FAILED  resources[0]:
RetryError: resources.CephStorage: RetryError[<Future at 0xdd62550
state=finished returned bool>]
2017-04-12 00:26:34.436989 | 2017-04-12 00:26:29Z
[overcloud-CephStorage-bkucn6ign34i]: UPDATE_FAILED  resources[0]:
RetryError: resources.CephStorage: RetryError[<Future at 0xdd62550
state=finished returned bool>]
2017-04-12 00:26:34.437078 | 2017-04-12 00:26:30Z
UPDATE_FAILED  RetryError: resources.Controller: RetryError[<Future at
0xdc79b50 state=finished returned bool>]
2017-04-12 00:26:34.437173 | 2017-04-12 00:26:30Z
[overcloud-Controller-3lf3jauv4cbc-0-ydowkb3nwsso]: UPDATE_FAILED
RetryError: resources.Controller: RetryError[<Future at 0xdc79b50
state=finished returned bool>]
2017-04-12 00:26:34.437269 | 2017-04-12 00:26:30Z [CephStorage]:
UPDATE_FAILED  resources.CephStorage: resources[0]: RetryError:
resources.CephStorage: RetryError[<Future at 0xdd62550 state=finished
returned bool>]

Dan Sneddon         |  Senior Principal Software Engineer
dsned...@redhat.com |  redhat.com/openstack
dsneddon:irc        |  @dxs:twitter

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