Hey Sam,

Was able to submit the blueprint and spec.

Spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469070/


From: Sam P <sam47pr...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org" 
Date: Monday, May 29, 2017 at 10:01 PM
To: "openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org" <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [masakari] Intrusive Instance Monitoring

Hi Greg,

# Thank you Jeremy..!

I couldn't find any problem with repo side.
As Jeremy pointed out, could you please check the `git remote show gerrit`.

BTW, could you please create a BP in [1] and link it to your spec when
you commit it.
In this way, we could track all the changes related to this task.
Please include the related bp Name in commit massage of your spec as,

Implements: bp name-of-your-bp
# Please refer to open to review spec [2] for more details.
# You may find more details on [3]

[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/masakari
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/458023/4//COMMIT_MSG
--- Regards,

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 4:39 AM, Jeremy Stanley 
<fu...@yuggoth.org<mailto:fu...@yuggoth.org>> wrote:
On 2017-05-29 14:48:10 +0000 (+0000), Waines, Greg wrote:
Was just trying to submit my spec for Intrusive Instance
Monitoring for review.

And I get the following warning after committing when I do the
‘git review’

gwaines@gwaines-VirtualBox:~/openstack/masakari-specs$ git review
You are about to submit multiple commits. This is expected if you are
submitting a commit that is dependent on one or more in-review
commits. Otherwise you should consider squashing your changes into one
commit before submitting.

The outstanding commits are:

f09deee (HEAD -> myBranch) Initial draft specification of Intrusive Instance 
21aeb96 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Prepare specs repository for Pike
83d1a0a Implement reserved_host, auto_priority and rh_priority recovery methods
4e746cb Add periodic task to clean up workflow failure
2c10be4 Add spec repo structure
a82016f Added .gitreview

Do you really want to submit the above commits?
Type 'yes' to confirm, other to cancel: no

Seems like my clone picked up someone else’s open commit ?

Any help would be appreciated,
The full log of my git session is below,

The output doesn't show any open changes, but rather seems to
indicate that the parent is the commit at the tip of origin/master.
This condition shouldn't normally happen unless Gerrit doesn't
actually know about any of those commits for some reason.

One thing, I notice your `git review -s` output in your log was
empty. Make sure the output of `git remote show gerrit` looks
something like this (obviously with your username in place of mine):

     * remote gerrit
       Fetch URL: 
       Push  URL: 
       HEAD branch: master
       Remote branch:
         master tracked
       Local ref configured for 'git push':
         master pushes to master (up to date)

Using git-review 1.25.0 I attempted to replicate the issue like
this, but everything worked normally:

     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack$ git clone 
     Cloning into 'masakari-specs'...
     remote: Counting objects: 61, done.
     remote: Total 61 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 61
     Unpacking objects: 100% (61/61), done.
     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack$ cd masakari-specs/
     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack/masakari-specs$ git log
     commit 21aeb965acea0b3ebe8448715bb88df4409dd402
     Author: Abhishek Kekane 
     Date:   Wed Apr 19 16:00:53 2017 +0530

         Prepare specs repository for Pike

         Add directories, index file, and template symlinks for Pike specs.

         Change-Id: I7dce74430e4569a5978f8f4b953db3b20125c53e

     commit 83d1a0aae17e4e8110ac64c7975a8520592712f9
     Author: Abhishek Kekane 
     Date:   Fri Jan 20 12:00:12 2017 +0530

         Implement reserved_host, auto_priority and rh_priority recovery methods

         Implements: bp implement-recovery-methods
         Change-Id: I83ce204d8f25b240fa6ce723dc15192ae9b4e191

     commit 4e746cb5a39df5aa833ab32ce7ba961637753a15
     Author: Abhishek Kekane 
     Date:   Fri Jan 20 11:38:09 2017 +0530

     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack/masakari-specs$ git review -s
     Creating a git remote called 'gerrit' that maps to:
     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack/masakari-specs$ git checkout -b 
     Switched to a new branch 'myBranch'
     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack/masakari-specs$ cp 
     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack/masakari-specs$ git add 
     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack/masakari-specs$ git commit
     [myBranch 9e5c70e] Test commit
      1 file changed, 389 insertions(+)
      create mode 100644 
     fungi@dhole:~/work/openstack/openstack/masakari-specs$ git review
     remote: Processing changes: new: 1, refs: 1, done
     remote: New Changes:
     remote:   https://review.openstack.org/468941 Testing, do not review
     To ssh://review.openstack.org:29418/openstack/masakari-specs.git
      * [new branch]      HEAD -> refs/publish/master/myBranch

Jeremy Stanley

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