Currently the TLS-everywhere job (fakeha-caserver) runs as a periodic job.
If there's gonna be a move. I would really appreciate that this is done
once we move that job to run over oooq. So don't loose that job.

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 12:01 AM, Wesley Hayutin <>

> Greetings,
> I wanted to send out a summary email regarding some work that is still
> developing and being planned to give interested parties time to comment and
> prepare for change.
> Project:
>     Move tripleo periodic promotion jobs
> Goal:
>     Increase the cadence of tripleo-ci periodic promotion jobs in a way
> that does not impact upstream OpenStack zuul queues and infrastructure.
> Next Steps:
>     The dependencies in RDO's instance of software factory are now
> complete and we should be able to create a new a net new zuul queue in RDO
> infra for tripleo-periodic jobs.  These jobs will have to run both
> multinode nodepool and ovb style jobs and utilize RDO-Cloud as the host
> cloud provider.  The TripleO CI team is looking into moving the TripleO
> periodic jobs running upstream to run from RDO's software factory instance.
> This move will allow the CI team more flexibility in managing the periodic
> jobs and resources to run the jobs more frequently.
>     There is no set date as to when the periodic jobs will move. The move
> will depend on tenant resource allocation and how easily the periodic jobs
> can be modified.  This email is to inform the group that changes are being
> planned to the tripleo periodic workflow and allow time for comment and
> preparation.
> Completed Background Work:
>     After long discussion with Paul Belanger about increasing the cadence
> of the promotion jobs [1]. Paul explained infa's position and if he doesn't
> -1/-2 a new pipeline that has the same priority as check jobs someone else
> will. To summarize the point, the new pipeline would compete and slow down
> non-tripleo projects in the gate even when the hardware resources are our
> own.
> To avoid slowing down non-tripleo projects Paul has volunteered to help
> setup the infrastructure in rdoproject to manage the queue ( zuul etc). We
> would still use rh-openstack-1 / rdocloud for ovb, and could also trigger
> multinode nodepool jobs.
> There is one hitch though, currently, rdo-project does not have all the
> pieces of the puzzle in place to move off of openstack zuul and onto
> rdoproject zuul. Paul mentioned that nodepool-builder [2] is a hard
> requirement to be setup in rdoproject before we can proceed here. He
> mentioned working with the software factory guys to get this setup and
> running.
> At this time, I think this issue is blocked until further discussion.
> [1]
> [2]
> nodepool/
> Thanks
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