Storyboard can definitely help with this! Each task in a story has an owner
and a project while the larger story's description could list who is in
charge of the larger implementation overall.

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 4:34 PM Mike Perez <> wrote:

> On 13:52 Jun 23, Michał Jastrzębski wrote:
> > Great idea!
> >
> > I would also throw another issue new people often have (I had it too).
> > Namely what to contribute. Lot's of people wants to do something but
> > not quite know where to start.
> > So few ideas for start:
> > * List of triaged bugs
> > * List of work items of large blueprits
> IMO the triaged bugs/low hanging fruit thing seems to be still daunting
> for new
> contributors. There's also not really much gratification or recognition for
> what you did by the wider community sometimes. This is something I feel
> that
> helps in having people come back to contribute.
> This is going on a tangent of something else I have coming in the future
> but
> I think there are a few ways a new contributor would come in:
> ## PTG
> New contributors should be participating in the sessions for a project and
> get to know who are the people leading those efforts. People leading
> efforts
> want help. Whether it be documentation for the thing, implementation,
> testing,
> etc. Working with the people involved is a good way to get to know that
> feature
> or change. The people leading the effort are now invested in YOU succeeding
> because if you don't succeed, they don't either. Once you succeed in the
> feature or change with someone, you have recognition in people knowing you
> are
> responsible for it in some way. This is an awesome feeling and will lead
> you to
> either improving it more or going onto other things. While you're only
> understanding of a project is that thing, you may get curious and move onto
> other parts of the code. This leads to someone in the future leading
> efforts
> for new contributors!
> ## Forum
> I would like to see our on-boarding rooms having time to introduce
> current/future efforts happening in the project. Introduce the people
> behind
> those efforts. Give a little time to break out into meet and greet to
> remember
> friendly faces and do as mentioned above.
> ## Internet
> People may not be able to attend our events, but want to participate. Using
> your idea of listing work items of large blueprints is an excellent! It
> would
> be good if we could list those cleanly and who is leading it. Maybe
> Storyboard
> will be able to help with this in the future Kendall?
> --
> Mike Perez
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