On 12/06/2013 10:54 AM, Daniel Kuffner wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are using in our company for a prototype the docker hypervisor on
> openstack.  We have the need to mount a folder inside of a container.
> To achieve this goal I have implemented a hack which allows to specify
> a folder mount via nova metadata. For example a heat template could
> look like:
>  my-container:
>     Type: OS::Nova::Server
>     Properties:
>       flavor: m1.large
>       image: my-image:latest
>       metadata:
>          Volumes: "/host/path:/guest/path"
> This approach is of course not perfect and even a security risk (which
> is in our case no issue since we are not going to provide a public
> cloud).
> Any other ideas or plans how to provide the volume/folder mount in the future?

I think *directly* specifying a host path isn't very cloudy.  We don't
really have an abstraction appropriate for this yet.  Manila [1]
(filesystem aaS) seems to be the closest thing.  Perhaps some work in
Manila and some Nova+Manila integration would be the right direction here.


[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila_Overview

Russell Bryant

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