If the topics below interest you and you want to contribute to the discussion, feel free to join the next meeting:

Time: Thursdays, 14:30-15:30 UTC
Place: https://bluejeans.com/4113567798/

Full minutes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting

Topics discussed:

We talked about the balance between using openstack-infra supported vs. self hosted solutions for graphite, logservers, proxies and mirrors. Paul Belanger joined us and the end result seemed to be that we're going to try to keep as many services under infra as we can, but sometimes the line is not so clear when we're dealing with 3rd party environments like rdocloud.

Ronelle talked about changing the overcommit ratio on rdocloud after the analysis of our usage. This can be probably done without any issue.

Wes added "gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container" to the tripleo-quickstart-extras check and gate jobs to make sure we won't break containers. and that we get some feedback on the status of containers jobs.

RDO packaging changes are now gating with Quickstart (multinode-featureset005), though it's non-voting. It might help us prevent breaks from the packaging side.

Promotion jobs are still not working fully on RDO Cloud, but we're working on it.

That's it for this week, have a nice weekend.

Best regards,

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