The RefStack and Interop WG teams will host a small work room on Monday
and Tuesday at the PTG. We would like for projects interested in the
interop guideline expansion to participate in guiding the development of
future guidelines. The draft schedule focuses on Interop work for Monday,
and RefStack work for Tuesday.

The Interop WG work will have a general session for future planning and
guideline work. We will also have sessions targeted towards new vertical
programs, with a focus on NFV. We would also like to invite
representatives from projects that can be installed as standalone
services, like Cinder and Ironic, to discuss the creation of vertical
programs to test for standalone interoperability of their services. In
another session covering extension programs, we would like to invite
representatives from the Designate and Heat projects to attend to discuss
the plans for the two proposed extension programs[1][2]. Any other
projects interested in building an extension program are invited to
attend as well.

On Tuesday the RefStack team will meet to discuss general planning, and
new features such as refstack-client auto configuration, and secure
uploading and storage of subunit test results to the RefStack server.
Members of adjacent communities such as NFV that are using RefStack for
their own interoperability programs are encoraged to attend as well.

If you're interested in attending any of the sessions, please add your
name and availability to the agenda[3]. We will also accomodate remote
attendance for anyone who can't make it to Denver in person. If the
scheduling doesn't work out for you, I will be at the PTG all week and am
available to drop into any other projects. 


[1] [2] [3]

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