Matt Riedemann <>
October 4, 2017 at 10:51 AM

What's the difference between this tag and the zero-impact-upgrades tag? I guess the accessible one is, can a user still ssh into their VM while the nova compute service is being upgraded. The zero-impact-upgrade one is more to do with performance degradation during an upgrade. I'm not entirely sure what that might look like, probably need operator input. For example, while upgrading, you're live migrating VMs all over the place which is putting extra strain on the network.

I think all of the tags could benefit from some examples for real use cases so people have context when reading them.
We do provide tag definitions. They're linked from the Project Navigator (e.g. These provide pretty thorough definitions, and in some cases examples. I like the idea of having additional examples per project and that's something we could easily put into the Project Navigator.

Also, does the Foundation have any data on how much tags are used as input to weigh decisions about choosing to adopt an OpenStack project in a deployment or not?
One could probably make this inference based around user survey data + which tags are used in the more vs. less popular projects. Right now, it's not something we track, but it's an interesting point. I'll spend some time looking at it :)
I'm not entirely sure what the carrot and stick is with tags or if/how people are consuming them. I don't ever think about tags personally, probably because there is no bi-annual audit process on them to see if we need to add/remove tags from nova.
It's a good point. So far the biggest carrot is to make sure your project stats look as up to date as other mature and well adopted projects. To date, it seems to have had a positive impact in getting projects to keep their tags updated and/or figure out what they need to do to get the tag.

Sean McGinnis <>
October 3, 2017 at 1:52 PM
I'm hoping this will get a little more attention.

We recently started discussing removing governance tags that did not have any
projects asserting them. I think this makes a lot of sense. Some tags were
defined apparently in the hope that it would get projects thinking about them and wanting to either apply for the tag, or do the work to be able to meet the
requirements for that tag.

While this may have worked in some cases, we do have a few that are a little unclear and not really getting much attention. We will likely clean up that
tag list a little, but there was some push back on at least one tag.

The supports-accessible-upgrade tag basically states that a service can be
upgraded without affecting access to the resources that the service manages [1]. This actually fits with how at least Nova and Cinder work, so a patch is
now out there to assert this for those two projects [2].

I would bet there are several other projects out there that work in this same way. Since we are looking between removing tags or using them (use it or lose it), I would actually love to see more projects asserting this tag. If your project manages a set of resources that are available even when your service is down and/or being upgraded, please consider submitting a patch like [2] to
add your project to the list.

And just a general call out to raise awareness - please take a look through the other defined tags and see if there are any others that are applicable to
your projects [3].


Sean (smcginnis)


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