Excerpts from Dmitry Mescheryakov's message of 2013-12-10 08:15:15 -0800:
> Guys,
> I see two major trends in the thread:
>  * use Salt
>  * write our own solution with architecture similar to Salt or MCollective
> There were points raised pro and contra both solutions. But I have a
> concern which I believe was not covered yet. Both solutions use either
> ZeroMQ or message queues (AMQP/STOMP) as a transport. The thing is there is
> going to be a shared facility between all the tenants. And unlike all other
> OpenStack services, this facility will be directly accessible from VMs,
> which leaves tenants very vulnerable to each other. Harm the facility from
> your VM, and the whole Region/Cell/Availability Zone will be left out of
> service.
> Do you think that is solvable, or maybe I overestimate the threat?

I think Salt would be thrilled if we tested and improved its resiliency
to abuse. We're going to have to do that with whatever we expose to VMs.

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