On Oct 30, 2017 11:53 AM, "Matt Riedemann" <mriede...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 9/20/2017 9:42 AM, arkady.kanev...@dell.com wrote:

> Lee,
> I can chair meeting in Sydney.
> Thanks,
> Arkady


Are you actually moderating the forum session in Sydney because the session
says Eric McCormick is the session moderator:

I submitted it so it gets my name on it. I think Arkady and I are going to
do it together.


People are asking in the nova IRC channel about this session and were told
to ask Jay Pipes about it, but Jay isn't going to be in Sydney and isn't
involved in fast-forward upgrades, as far as I know anyway.

So whoever is moderating this session, can you please create an etherpad
and get it linked to the wiki?


I'll have the etherpad up today and pass it among here and on the wiki.




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