
We are in the process of integrating OpenStack Ironic into our own OpenStack 
Still pulling all the pieces together ... have not yet got a successful ‘nova 
boot’ yet, so issues below could be configuration or setup issues.

We have ironic node enrolled ... and corresponding nova hypervisor has been 
created for it ... ALTHOUGH does not seem to be populated correctly (see below).
AND then the ‘nova boot’ fails with the error:

     "No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available. 
66aaf6fa-3cbe-4744-8d55-c90eeae4800a: (RamFilter) Insufficient total RAM: 
req:20480, avail:0 MB,

NOTE: the nova.conf that we are using for the nova.compute being used for 
ironic servers is attached.

Any Ideas what could be wrong ?

[wrsroot@controller-1 ~(keystone_admin)]$ ironic node-show metallica


| Property               | Value                                                


| chassis_uuid           |                                                      

| clean_step             | {}                                                   

| console_enabled        | False                                                

| created_at             | 2017-10-27T20:37:12.241352+00:00                     

| driver                 | pxe_ipmitool                                         

| driver_info            | {u'ipmi_password': u'******', u'ipmi_address': 
u'',        |

|                        | u'ipmi_username': u'root', u'deploy_kernel': 
u'2939e2d4-da3f-4917-b99a-  |

|                        | 01030fd30345', u'deploy_ramdisk':                    

|                        | u'73ad43c4-4300-45a5-87ec-f28646518430'}             

| driver_internal_info   | {}                                                   

| extra                  | {}                                                   

| inspection_finished_at | None                                                 

| inspection_started_at  | None                                                 

| instance_info          | {}                                                   

| instance_uuid          | None                                                 

| last_error             | None                                                 

| maintenance            | False                                                

| maintenance_reason     | None                                                 

| name                   | metallica                                            

| network_interface      |                                                      

| power_state            | power off                                            

| properties             | {u'memory_mb': 20480, u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', 
u'local_gb': 100, u'cpus': |

|                        | 20, u'capabilities': u'boot_option:local'}           

| provision_state        | manageable                                           

| provision_updated_at   | 2017-10-30T15:47:33.397317+00:00                     

| raid_config            |                                                      

| reservation            | None                                                 

| resource_class         |                                                      

| target_power_state     | None                                                 

| target_provision_state | None                                                 

| target_raid_config     |                                                      

| updated_at             | 2017-10-30T15:47:51.396471+00:00                     

| uuid                   | 66aaf6fa-3cbe-4744-8d55-c90eeae4800a                 


[wrsroot@controller-1 ~(keystone_admin)]$ nova hypervisor-show 


| Property                | Value                                |


| cpu_info                | {}                                   |

| current_workload        | 0                                    |

| disk_available_least    | 0                                    |

| free_disk_gb            | 0                                    |

| free_ram_mb             | 0                                    |

| host_ip                 |                            |

| hypervisor_hostname     | 66aaf6fa-3cbe-4744-8d55-c90eeae4800a |

| hypervisor_type         | ironic                               |

| hypervisor_version      | 1                                    |

| id                      | 5                                    |

| local_gb                | 0                                    |

| local_gb_used           | 0                                    |

| memory_mb               | 0                                    |

| memory_mb_node          | None                                 |

| memory_mb_used          | 0                                    |

| memory_mb_used_node     | None                                 |

| running_vms             | 0                                    |

| service_disabled_reason | None                                 |

| service_host            | controller-1                         |

| service_id              | 28                                   |

| state                   | up                                   |

| status                  | enabled                              |

| vcpus                   | 0                                    |

| vcpus_node              | None                                 |

| vcpus_used              | 0.0                                  |

| vcpus_used_node         | None                                 |


[wrsroot@controller-1 ~(keystone_admin)]$

Attachment: nova.conf
Description: nova.conf

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