Hello everyone!

Stackalytics team is happy to announce the release of version 0.4. This
release is completely dedicated to different types of reports. We added
highly demanded top reviewers chart acknowledged as an essential tool for
finding most active reviewers (ex.
http://stackalytics.com/report/reviews/neutron-group/30). Open reviews
report to help core engineers with tracking the backlog and reviews that
stay for too long (http://stackalytics.com/report/reviews/nova/open). And
activity report, the one to show all work done by engineer and another by
company. Also this report includes nice punch-card and the one can find
that there are really world-wide never-sleeping contributors like
http://stackalytics.com/report/companies/red%20hat :)

In details, total changes are:

   - Added review stats
shows top reviewers with breakdown by marks and disagreement ratio
   against core's decision
   - Added open reviews
report<http://stackalytics.com/report/reviews/nova/open>that shows top
longest reviews and backlog summary
   - Added activity report
<http://stackalytics.com/report/users/boris-42>with engineer's
activity log and punch-card of usual online hours (in UTC).
   The same report is available for companies
   - Fixed review stats calculation, now Approve marks are counted
   - Fixed commit date calculation, now it is date of merge, not commit
   - Minor improvements in filter selectors
   - Incorporated 21 updates to user and company profiles in default data

The next Stackalytics meeting will be on Monday, Dec 16 at 15:00 UTC in
#openstack-meeting. Come and join us, we have somemore things for the next

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