Thanks for describing the proposals clearly and concisely, Jay.

My preamble would have been that we need to support two use cases:

- "explicit anti-affinity": make sure certain parts of my request land
on *different* providers;
- "any fit": make sure my instance lands *somewhere*.

Both proposals address both use cases, but in different ways.

> "By default, should resources/traits submitted in different numbered
> request groups be supplied by separate resource providers?"

I agree this question needs to be answered, but that won't necessarily
inform which path we choose.  Viewpoint B [3] is set up to go either
way: either we're unrestricted by default and use a queryparam to force
separation; or we're split by default and use a queryparam to allow the
unrestricted behavior.

Otherwise I agree with everything Jay said.


On 04/18/2018 09:06 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
> Stackers,
> Eric Fried and I are currently at an impasse regarding a decision that
> will have far-reaching (and end-user facing) impacts to the placement
> API and how nova interacts with the placement service from the nova
> scheduler.
> We need to make a decision regarding the following question:
> There are two competing proposals right now (both being amendments to
> the original granular request groups spec [1]) which outline two
> different viewpoints.
> Viewpoint A [2], from me, is that like resources listed in different
> granular request groups should mean that those resources will be sourced
> from *different* resource providers.
> In other words, if I issue the following request:
> GET /allocation_candidates?resources1=VCPU:1&resources2=VCPU:1
> Then I am assured of getting allocation candidates that contain 2
> distinct resource providers consuming 1 VCPU from each provider.
> Viewpoint B [3], from Eric, is that like resources listed in different
> granular request groups should not necessarily mean that those resources
> will be sourced from different resource providers. They *could* be
> sourced from different providers, or they could be sourced from the same
> provider.
> Both proposals include ways to specify whether certain resources or
> whole request groups can be forced to be sources from either a single
> provider or from different providers.
> In Viewpoint A, the proposal is to have a can_split=RESOURCE1,RESOURCE2
> query parameter that would indicate which resource classes in the
> unnumbered request group that may be split across multiple providers
> (remember that viewpoint A considers different request groups to
> explicitly mean different providers, so it doesn't make sense to have a
> can_split query parameter for numbered request groups).
> In Viewpoint B, the proposal is to have a separate_providers=1,2 query
> parameter that would indicate that the identified request groups should
> be sourced from separate providers. Request groups that are not listed
> in the separate_providers query parameter are not guaranteed to be
> sourced from different providers.
> I know this is a complex subject, but I thought it was worthwhile trying
> to explain the two proposals in as clear terms as I could muster.
> I'm, quite frankly, a bit on the fence about the whole thing and would
> just like to have a clear path forward so that we can start landing the
> 12+ patches that are queued up waiting for a decision on this.
> Thoughts and opinions welcome.
> Thanks,
> -jay
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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