On 12/16/2013 10:37 AM, Gordon Sim wrote:
On 12/12/2013 02:14 PM, Flavio Percoco wrote:
I've a draft in my head of how the amqp 1.0 driver could be
implemented and how to map the current expectations of the messaging
layer to the new protocol.

I think a separate thread to discuss this mapping is worth it. There
are some critical areas that definitely need more discussion

I have also been looking at this, and trying to write up a simple design
notes. Some of the questions that occurred to me while doing so are:

* Use one link for all sends, with 'to' field set, or use a link for
each target?

* How to handle calls to one of a group of servers?

* Use a distinct response address per request, or allow an address to be
shared by multiple requests in conjunction with correlation id on

* Support both intermediated and direct communication? For all patterns?

The aim in my view should be to have the driver support as many
alternatives in deployment as possible without overcomplicating things,
distorting the mapping or introducing server specific extensions.

I have some notes to share if anyone is interested. I can send them to
this list or put them upon the wiki or an etherpad or something.

I've pasted these into an etherpad[1] for anyone interested. Please feel free to edit/augment etc, or even to query anything on this list. It's really just an initial draft to get the ball rolling.


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/olso.messaging_amqp_1.0

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