On 24/04/18 12:04, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
Yeah, I agree k8s seems to have hit on a good model where interests are 
separately grouped from the code bases. This has allowed architecture to not to 
be too heavily influenced by the logical groups interest.

I'll go ahead and propose it again since its been a little while. In order to 
start breaking down the barriers between Projects and start working more 
towards integration, should the TC come up with an architecture group? Get 
folks from all the major projects involved in it and sharing common 

One possible pie in the sky goal of that group could be the following:

k8s has many controllers. But they compile almost all of them into one service. 
the kube-apiserver. Architecturally they could break them out at any point, but 
so far they have been able to scale just fine without doing so. Having them 
combined has allowed much easier upgrade paths for users though. This has 
spurred adoption and contribution. Adding a new controller isn't a huge lift to 
an operator. they just upgrade to the newest version which has the new 
controller built in.

Could the major components, nova-api, neutron-server, glance-apiserver, etc be 
built in a way to have 1 process for all of them, and combine the upgrade steps 
such that there is also, one db-sync for the entire constellation?

In the pre-containers era one of the most common complaints I heard from operators was that they were forced to upgrade stuff in lock-step (because of library version dependencies) when they really wanted to upgrade each service independently. So this definitely wouldn't work for everyone.

Another idea that has been floated on occasion is of combining all of the bits of services that run on a compute node (which include parts of Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Ceilometer, &c.) into a single... thing. I wonder if that wouldn't be a more interesting place to start.

The idea would be to take Constellations idea one step farther. That the 
Projects would deliver python libraries(and a binary for stand alone operation).

In the sense that we've switched most things with a REST API to running in Apache using wsgi, that's _technically_ what's happening already ;)

Constilations would actually provide a code deliverable, not just reference 
architecture, combining the libraries together into a single usable entity. 
Operators most likely would consume the Constilations version rather then the 
individual Project versions.

If I'm reading right, you're suggesting that users who just want a quick way to install a small cloud would use a turn-key controller node package, while those who need something more sophisticated could continue to install the individual services separately?

It's an interesting idea, but users of the first sort have a tendency to turn into users of the second sort, and they want a smooth upgrade path when that happens. I suspect that's why there aren't any deployment tools that use this model, even though there are probably no technical obstacles to it even today.

What do you think?

With respect to the db_sync specifically, I think the main problem is that it exists at all. You want to be able to do a simple rolling update where you start containers containing new versions of the code, and then shut down containers containing old versions of the code. Right now you have to somehow run db_sync with the new code but make sure it happens before starting the service with the new code - and in some cases you may have to shut down the old code first. (And as non-conducive as that is to orchestrated container deployments, it was 10 times worse pre-containers when it was virtually impossible to install the two versions of the code side-by-side.) But once your deployment tool has solved that horrible problem, it's not difficult for it to add a for-loop to do it for every service.

What would be a bigger win would be to get rid of db_sync altogether. It was born in an era when we did massive data migrations between versions. We've now adopted guidelines for rolling updates saying that we should only do fast operations like adding/dropping tables/columns during db_sync, and that deprecation periods must permit the DB to be upgraded while instances of the previous version of the service are still running. Once services comply with those guidelines is there any reason we can't just always update the DB schema during service start-up and ditch the separate `<service>-manage db_sync` commands? Maybe that would be a good project-wide goal for an upcoming release.


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