On 18-05-13 12:22:06, Matthew Thode wrote:
> This is a reminder to the projects called out that they are using old,
> unmaintained and probably insecure libraries (it's been dead since
> 2014).  Please migrate off to use the cryptography library.  We'd like
> to drop pycrypto from requirements for rocky.
> See also, the bug, which has most of you cc'd already.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-requirements/+bug/1749574

| Repository                             | Filename                             
                               | Line | Text                                    
| daisycloud-core                        | code/daisy/requirements.txt          
                               |   17 | pycrypto>=2.6 # Public Domain           
| freezer                                | requirements.txt                     
                               |   21 | pycrypto>=2.6 # Public Domain           
| fuel-dev-tools                         | contrib/fuel-setup/requirements.txt  
                               |    5 | pycrypto==2.6.1                         
| fuel-web                               | nailgun/requirements.txt             
                               |   24 | pycrypto>=2.6.1                         
| solum                                  | requirements.txt                     
                               |   24 | pycrypto # Public Domain                
| tatu                                   | requirements.txt                     
                               |    7 | pycrypto>=2.6.1                         
| tatu                                   | test-requirements.txt                
                               |    7 | pycrypto>=2.6.1                         
| trove                                  | 
integration/scripts/files/requirements/fedora-requirements.txt      |   30 | 
pycrypto>=2.6  # Public Domain                    |
| trove                                  | 
integration/scripts/files/requirements/ubuntu-requirements.txt      |   29 | 
pycrypto>=2.6  # Public Domain                    |
| trove                                  | requirements.txt                     
                               |   47 | pycrypto>=2.6 # Public Domain           

In order by name, notes follow.

daisycloud-core - looks like AES / random functions are used
freezer         - looks like AES / random functions are used
solum           - looks like AES / RSA functions are used
trove           - has a review!!! https://review.openstack.org/#/c/560292/

The following projects are not tracked so we won't wait on them.
fuel-dev-tools, fuel-web, tatu

so it looks like progress is being made, so we have that going for us,
which is nice.  What can I do to help move this forward?

Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)

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