---- On Wed, 25 Jul 2018 10:27:26 +0900 MONTEIRO, FELIPE C <fm5...@att.com> 
wrote ---- 
 > Please see comments inline.  
 > >  ---- On Tue, 24 Jul 2018 04:22:47 +0900 MONTEIRO, FELIPE C 
 > > <fm5...@att.com> wrote ---- 
 > >  >       Hi, 
 > >  > 
 > >  >  ** Intention ** 
 > >  >  Intention is to expand Patrole testing to some service clients that 
 > > already 
 > > exist in some Tempest plugins, for core services only. 
 > >  > 
 > >  >  ** Background ** 
 > >  >  Digging through Neutron testing, it seems like there is currently a 
 > > lot of 
 > > test duplication between neutron-tempest-plugin and Tempest [1]. Under 
 > > some circumstances it seems OK to have redundant testing/parallel  
 > > testing: 
 > > “Having potential duplication between testing is not a big deal especially 
 > > compared to the alternative of removing something which is actually 
 > > providing value and is actively catching bugs, or blocking incorrect 
 > > patches 
 > > from landing” [2]. 
 > >  
 > > We really need to minimize the test duplication. If there is test in 
 > > tempest 
 > > plugin for core services then, we do not need to add those in Tempest repo 
 > > until it is interop requirement. This is for new tests so we can avoid the 
 > > duplication in future. I will write this in Tempest reviewer guide. 
 > > For existing duplicate tests, as per bug you mentioned[1] we need to 
 > > cleanup 
 > > the duplicate tests and they should live in their respective repo(either 
 > > in 
 > > neutron tempest plugin or tempest) which is categorized in etherpad[7]. 
 > > How 
 > > many tests are duplicated now? I will plan this as one of cleanup working 
 > > item in stein. 
 > >  
 > >  > 
 > >  >  This leads me to the following question: If API test duplication is 
 > > OK, what 
 > > about service client duplication? Patches like [3] and [4]  promote 
 > > service 
 > > client duplication with neutron-tempest-plugin. As far as I can tell, 
 > > Neutron 
 > > builds out some of its service clients dynamically here: [5]. Which 
 > > includes 
 > > segments service client (proposed as an addition to tempest.lib in [4]) 
 > > here: 
 > > [6]. 
 > >  
 > > Yeah, they are very dynamic in neutron plugins and its because of old 
 > > legacy 
 > > code. That is because when neutron tempest plugin was forked from 
 > > Tempest as it is. These dynamic generation of service clients are really 
 > > hard 
 > > to debug and maintain. This can easily lead to backward incompatible 
 > > changes if we make those service clients stable interface to consume 
 > > outside. For those reason, we did fixed those in Tempest 3 years back [8] 
 > > and 
 > > made them  static and consistent service client methods like other 
 > > services 
 > > clients. 
 > >  
 > >  > 
 > >  >  This leads to a situation where if we want to offer RBAC testing for 
 > > these 
 > > APIs (to validate their policy enforcement), we can’t really do so without 
 > > adding the service client to Tempest, unless  we rely on the 
 > > neutron-tempest- 
 > > plugin (for example) in Patrole’s .zuul.yaml. 
 > >  > 
 > >  >  ** Path Forward ** 
 > >  >  Option #1: For the core services, most service clients should live in 
 > > tempest.lib for standardization/governance around documentation and 
 > > stability for those clients. Service client duplication  should try to be 
 > > minimized as much as possible. API testing related to some service 
 > > clients, 
 > > though, should remain in the Tempest plugins. 
 > >  > 
 > >  >  Option #2: Proceed with service client duplication, either by adding 
 > > the 
 > > service client to Tempest (or as yet another alternative, Patrole). This 
 > > leads 
 > > to maintenance overhead: have to maintain  service clients in the plugins 
 > > and 
 > > Tempest itself. 
 > >  > 
 > >  >  Option #3: Don’t offer RBAC testing in Patrole plugin for those APIs. 
 > >  
 > > We need to share the service clients among Tempest plugins. And each 
 > > service clients which are being shared across repo has to be declared as 
 > > stable interface like Tempest does. Idea here is service clients will live 
 > > in the 
 > > repo where their original tests were added or going to be added. For 
 > > example in case of neutron tempest plugin, if rbac-policy API tests are in 
 > > neutron then its service client needs to be owned by 
 > > neutron-tempest-plugin. 
 > > further rbac-policy service client can be consumed by Patrole. It is same 
 > > case 
 > > for congress tempest plugin, where they consume mistral service client. I 
 > > recommended the same in that thread also of using service client from 
 > > Mistral and Mistral make the service client as stable interface [9]. Which 
 > > is 
 > > being done in congress[10] 
 > >  
 > > Here are the general recommendation for Tempest Plugins for service 
 > > clients 
 > > : 
 > > - Tempest Plugins should make their service clients as stable interface 
 > > which 
 > > gives 2 advantage: 
 > In this case we should also expand the Tempest plugin stable interface 
 > documentation here (which currently gives people a narrow understanding of 
 > what stable interface > means) to include stable interfaces in other 
 > plugins: 
 > https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/plugin.html#stable-tempest-apis-plugins-may-use

We can but giving reference to plugin doc which are actual owner of plugin 
stable interface in their repo. I would like to see the similar doc in plugin 
side also. Anyways that is good idea and let's discuss this in PTG to make it  
more formalized with discussion with Plugins team also and see what they think. 
I have added this as one of discussion item in PTG planning etherpad [1]. 

 > >   1. By this you make sure that you are not allowing to change the API 
 > > calling 
 > > interface(service clietns) which indirectly means you are not allowing to 
 > > change the APIs. Makes your tempest plugin testing more reliable. 
 > >  
 > >    2. Your service clients can be used in other Tempest plugins to avoid 
 > > duplicate code/interface. If any other plugins use you service clients 
 > > means, 
 > > they also test your project so it is good to help them by providing the 
 > > required interface as stable. 
 > >  
 > > Initial idea of owning the service clients in their respective plugins was 
 > > to 
 > > share them among plugins for integrated testing of more then one openstack 
 > > service. 
 > Thanks, this is good to know. 
 > >  
 > > - Usage of service clients across repo, Tempest provide a better way to do 
 > > so 
 > > than importing them directly [11]. You can see the example for Manila's 
 > > tempest plugin [12]. This gives an advantage of discovering your 
 > > registered 
 > > service clients in other Tempest plugins automatically. 
 > >  
 > > I think its wroth to write as Doc in Tempest for Recommendation to Tempest 
 > > Plugins.  I will write one later this week. 
 > >  
 > > Now back to current question of Patrole, Let's check with neutron tempest 
 > > plugin team about implementing the above recommendation and use the 
 > > service client from there instead of duplicating it in Tempest.  We should 
 > > consume the service clients from neutron plugin and tempest where ever 
 > > they live. 
 > >  
 > > How about below plan: 
 > > Step 1. Neutron tempest plugin team declaring service client as stable 
 > > interface which means no backward incompatible change. 
 > Ok, so it seems like this is just something that is agreed to in IRC and 
 > then formalized using a documentation update saying they will commit to a 
 > stable interface in their plugin. I am wondering whether there is/should be 
 > a governance tag for saying whether a plugin abides by Tempest's stable 
 > interface guidelines. 

IRC agreement with PTL and doc are enough here.  I have not thought of 
governance tag yet whether that is needed or not but let's discuss it if that 
can help.

 > > Step 2. Patrole import those service clients from neutron plugin as of now 
 > > and proceed with testing. 
 > > Step 3. Later neutron tempest plugin expose service clients via service 
 > > client 
 > > registration so that their service clients can be discovered automatically 
 > > than 
 > > importing them. Same way Tempest does. 
 > I will work with Neutron team to see about moving some of their legacy code 
 > to stable interface if they agree to this. 

Thanks. That will be super helpful and i am sure slaweq (neutron Liaison in QA 

 > - Felipe 
 > >  

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-stein-ptg


 > >  
 > > [7] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__etherpad.openstack.org_p_neutron-2Dtempest- 
 > > 2Ddefork&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru- 
 > > SJ9DRnCxhze-aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=errkCNHIciPwWe-fA2xZ1yN0VisE-YIwV-cpZv-0PKI&e= 
 > > [8] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__review.openstack.org_-23_q_status-3Amerged-2Bproject- 
 > > 3Aopenstack_tempest-2Bbranch-3Amaster-2Btopic-3Arefactor-5Fneutron- 
 > > 5Fclient&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru- 
 > > SJ9DRnCxhze-aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=G47gpRDWJUpv-IRZJXTPwn7DzrmIm7XKma_BozhVMOc&e= 
 > > [9] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http- 
 > > 3A__lists.openstack.org_pipermail_openstack-2Ddev_2018- 
 > > 2DMarch_128483.html&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ- 
 > > o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru-SJ9DRnCxhze- 
 > > aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=xuspIDlgBB1uj9BZP_vfNp8KEdzHd_iy1VvBpGe_szM&e= 
 > > [10] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__github.com_openstack_congress-2Dtempest- 
 > > 2Dplugin_blob_master_congress-5Ftempest- 
 > > 5Fplugin_tests_scenario_manager-5Fcongress.py- 
 > > 23L85&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru-SJ9DRnCxhze- 
 > > aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=cuEOpCNTzf3TRDkSQjIKkL6cGq6seYBb0ETpSmIM5dM&e= 
 > > [11] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__docs.openstack.org_tempest_latest_plugin.html-23get-5Fservice- 
 > > 5Fclients-28-29&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru- 
 > > SJ9DRnCxhze-aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=4JdQX-W0qSV-T2D99zl9gO6mfZ8KQw8-7GtAq59b9DE&e= 
 > > [12] https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__review.openstack.org_-23_c_334596_&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ- 
 > > o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru-SJ9DRnCxhze- 
 > > aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=ZTAYLqZ9s4T42S9jUk5bBewSEzGhsDrm76TfVTItGdI&e= 
 > >  
 > > -gmann 
 > >  
 > >  > 
 > >  >  Thanks, 
 > >  > 
 > >  >  Felipe 
 > >  > 
 > >  >  [1]  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__bugs.launchpad.net_neutron_-2Bbug_1552960&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ- 
 > > o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru-SJ9DRnCxhze- 
 > > aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=6LxRtrN9LZhGRBXF590Bs6C1wCih14Y6JfM_76Ns30E&e= 
 > >  >  [2]  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__docs.openstack.org_tempest_latest_test- 
 > > 5Fremoval.html&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ-o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru- 
 > > SJ9DRnCxhze-aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=qTEukP09Fe68swHryH3J6xCYX0ThWfinmcLKi-SDVLk&e= 
 > >  >  [3]  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
 > > 3A__review.openstack.org_-23_c_482395_&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ- 
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 > > aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
 > > A&s=dk1mrXrEQgzUFRx4OvToUouAYN5oi2pqsO6JrwSCMc8&e= 
 > >  >  [4]  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https- 
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 > > A&s=gnRz4yfHw5DQywEUFkJaIbzTjRKjFMpDwt0wJ8KDGPU&e= 
 > >  >  [5]  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http- 
 > > 3A__git.openstack.org_cgit_openstack_neutron-2Dtempest- 
 > > 2Dplugin_tree_neutron-5Ftempest- 
 > > 5Fplugin_services_network_json_network-5Fclient.py&d=DwIGaQ&c=LFYZ- 
 > > o9_HUMeMTSQicvjIg&r=X4GwEru-SJ9DRnCxhze- 
 > > aw&m=OvA_eRSYUmntz1eBg1F-r1FDZchsK7u4OtLgezXae- 
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 > >  >  [6]  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http- 
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 > > A&s=K2tI5uH8MWQWc73ha7FcZhPZn4yavgstc8kQng6SwRY&e= 
 > >  > 
 > >  > 
 > >  > 
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