fwiw this appears to be due to a bug in nova. I've raised
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1785235 and proposed a fix

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 5:47 PM Liam Young <liam.yo...@canonical.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a fresh pike deployment and the guests are not getting metadata. To
> investigate it further it would really help me to understand what the
> metadata flow is supposed to look like.
> In my deployment the guest receives a 404 when hitting
> I have added some logging to
> expose the messages passing via amqp and I see the nova-api-metadata
> service making a call to the super-conductor asking for an InstanceMapping.
> The super-conductor sends a reply detailing which cell the instance is in
> and the urls for both mysql and rabbit. The nova-api-metadata service then
> sends a second message to the superconductor this time asking for
> an Instance obj. The super-conductor fails to find the instance and returns
> a failure with a "InstanceNotFound: Instance <uuid> could not be found"
> message, the  nova-api-metadata service then sends a 404 to the original
> requester.
> I think the super-conductor is looking in the wrong database for the
> instance information. I believe it is looking in cell0 when it should
> actually be connecting to an entirely different instance of mysql which is
> associated with the cell that the instance is in.
> Should the super-conductor even be trying to retrieve the instance
> information or should the nova-api-metadata service actually be messaging
> the conductor in the compute cell?
> Any pointers gratefully received!
> Thanks
> Liam
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