This is week 2 of the roll-out of the "Run under Python 3 by default"
goal (

== What we learned last week ==

As we worked on approving the changes to add the zuul settings to
a few Oslo repositories, we had trouble with some of the older
branches because they were running newer versions of the jobs, as
configured in project-config. To work around this problem, we removed
those job templates in project-config by submitting separate patches
(rather than waiting for the full clean-up patch). We used the Oslo
team repos when we were testing some of the new jobs, so it is
possible this won't come up for any other teams, but I thought I
would mention the problem and solution, just in case.

We had at least one question about the order in which the patches
need to land across the branches. We need the ones with the subject
"import zuul job settings from project-config" to land before the
others, but it doesn't make any difference which branches go first.
Those patches should be basically no-ops, neither adding nor changing
any of the existing testing. The other follow-up patches change or
add tests, and are submitted separately specifically so the changes
they contain can be managed and issues fixed to allow them to land.

Nguyen found a couple of cases where older branches did not work
with the existing documentation job. The fix may require backporting
changes to remove, or other changes that have been
made in newer stable branches but not backported all the way. Because
the new documentation job runs through tox we may be able to use
that in the older branches, as an alternative.

We discovered last night that the version of git on CentOS does not
support the -C option, so we will need to change our scripts to be
compatible with the older platform.

== Completed work ==

Congratulations to the Documentation team for approving all of the
patches to import their zuul job configuration!

== Ongoing work ==

The Oslo team is working on migrating their zuul settings.

The Ironic, Vitrage, Cyborg, Solum, Tacker, Masakari, Congress,
Designate, Mistral, Watcher, Glance, and Requirements teams have
started migrating their zuul settings.

The Ironic team has started working on adding functional tests that
run under Python 3.

Thanks to dtantsur for adding a variant of the python 3.6 jobs that
installs neutron from source, needed by several networking-related
projects that integrate tightly with neutron.

== Next Steps ==

If your team is ready to have your zuul settings migrated, please
let us know by following up to this email. We will start with the
volunteers, and then work our way through the other teams.

After the Rocky cycle-trailing projects are released, I will propose
the change to project-config to change all of the packaging jobs
to use the new publish-to-pypi-python3 template. We should be able
to have that change in place before the first milestone for Stein
so that we have an opportunity to test it.

== How can you help? ==

1. Choose a patch that has failing tests and help fix it.
2. Review the patches for the zuul changes. Keep in mind that some of
   those patches will be on the stable branches for projects.
3. Work on adding functional test jobs that run under Python 3.

== How can you ask for help? ==

If you have any questions, please post them here to the openstack-dev
list with the topic tag [python3] in the subject line. Posting
questions to the mailing list will give the widest audience the
chance to see the answers.

We are using the #openstack-dev IRC channel for discussion as well,
but I'm not sure how good our timezone coverage is so it's probably
better to use the mailing list.

== Reference Material ==

Goal description: 
Open patches needing reviews:
Zuul migration notes:
Zuul migration tracking:!/story/2002586
Python 3 Wiki page:

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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