
Restore the PS of the oslo_utils version that exposed the global [1]?

Or use the forced-singleton pattern from nova [2] to put it in its own
importable module, e.g. oslo_utils.uuidutils.uuidsentinel?

(FTR, "import only modules" is a thing for me too, but I've noticed it
doesn't seem to be a hard and fast rule in OpenStack; and in this case
it seemed most important to emulate the existing syntax+behavior for



On 08/23/2018 11:23 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> On Aug 23, 2018, at 4:01 PM, Ben Nemec <> wrote:
>>> On 08/23/2018 12:25 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>>> Excerpts from Eric Fried's message of 2018-08-23 09:51:21 -0500:
>>>> Do you mean an actual fixture, that would be used like:
>>>>  class MyTestCase(testtools.TestCase):
>>>>      def setUp(self):
>>>>          self.uuids = self.useFixture(oslofx.UUIDSentinelFixture()).uuids
>>>>      def test_foo(self):
>>>>          do_a_thing_with(
>>>> ?
>>>> That's... okay I guess, but the refactoring necessary to cut over to it
>>>> will now entail adding 'self.' to every reference. Is there any way
>>>> around that?
>>> That is what I had envisioned, yes.  In the absence of a global,
>>> which we do not want, what other API would you propose?
>> If we put it in oslotest instead, would the global still be a problem? 
>> Especially since mock has already established a pattern for this 
>> functionality?
> I guess all of the people who complained so loudly about the global in 
> oslo.config are gone?
> If we don’t care about the global then we could just put the code from Eric’s 
> threadsafe version in oslo.utils somewhere. 
> Doug
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