Hi Ian,
You show us the Indonesian translations at the [1][2][3][4][5].
Thank you very much

[1] https://www.openstack.org/user-survey/survey-2018/landing?lang=id_ID
[4] https://docs.openstack.org/id/
[5] https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/id/release_management.html

Pada tanggal Kam, 20 Sep 2018 pukul 11.09 Ian Y. Choi <ianyrc...@gmail.com>

> Thanks a lot for nice summary on Docs part especially!
> I would like to add an additional summary with more context from I18n
> perspective.
> Note: I mainly participated in Docs/I18n discussion only on Monday &
> Tuesday
> (not available during Wed - Fri due to conflicts with other work in my
> country),
> and my summary would be different from current I18n PTL if he have
> parcipated in Stein PTG,
> but I would like to summarize as I18n ex-PTL (Ocata, Pike) and as one of
> active partcipants in Docs/I18n discussion.
> Documentation & I18n teams started to have collaborative discussions
> from Pike PTG.
> Following with Queens & Rocky cycle, I am so happy that Documentation &
> I18n teams had tight collaboration
> again at Stein PTG for horizontal discussion with sharing issues and
> tight collaboration.
> More details for I18n issues are available at the bottom part ("i18n
> Topics") in:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/docs-i18n-ptg-stein
> This year, I18n team actively started to support project documentation
> translation [1] and there had progress
> on defining documentation translation targets, generatepot infra jobs,
> and translation sync on from project repositories to
> Zanata for translation sources & from Zanata to project repositories for
> translated strings.
> [2] and [3] are parts of work I18n team did on previous cycle, and the
> final part would be how to support translated documentation publication
> aligned with Documentation team, since PDF support implementation is
> also related with how to publish PDF files for project repositories.
> Although there were so nice discussion during last Vancouver Summit [4],
> more generic idea on infra side how to better support translated
> documentation & PDF builds and translation
> would be needed after some changes on Project Testing Interface which is
> used for project documentation builds [5].
> [6] is a nice summary from Doug (really appreciated!) for the direction
> and plans on PDF and translation builds
> by making use of openstack-tox-docs job [7], and I18n team would like to
> continue to work with Documentation
> and Infrastructure teams on actual implementation suring Stein cycle.
> With nice collaboration between Foundation and I18n team, I18n team
> started to translate
> OpenStack user survey [8] after initial discussion on Pike PTG and, edge
> computing whitepaper [9],
> and container whitepaer [10] into multiple languages with many language
> coordinators and translators.
> Those translation effort might be different from Active Technical
> Contributor (ATC) recognition
> which translators also got for OpenStack project translation and
> techical documentation translation [11].
> Some translators shared that they would be interested in translating
> technical documents but not interested in
> OpenStack user survey and other non-technical documents.
> I thought that it might be due to different governance (Foundation-led &
> official projects with technical committee might be different),
> and Active User Contributor (AUC) [12] recognition might be a good idea.
> Although I could not discuss in details with User Committee members
> during PTG,
> Foundation agreed that AUC recognition for such translators would be a
> good idea and Melvin,
> one of user committee agreed with the idea during a very short
> conversation.
> In my opinion, it would take some time for more discussion and agreement
> on detail criteria
> (e.g., which number of words might be good aligning with current AUC
> recognition criteria), User Committee, and Foundation),
> but let's try to move forward on this :)
> Also, documentation on detail steps and activities with user survey on
> further years and more on whitepapers
> would be important, so I18n team will more document how I18n team
> members do action with steps like [13].
> And some translators shared concerns what there is no I18n in OpenStack
> project navigator and map.
> It would be also related with recognition on what translators contributed.
> Foundation explained that it might be the intention of the purpose of
> each artifact
> (e.g., OpenStack were designed to show OpenStack components and how
> those components interact each other with technical perspective),
> and Foundation shared that Foundation would do best to aggregate
> scattered definitions (e.g., [14], [15], and somewhere more)
> for consistency, and find a nice place for Docs, i18n, Congress, etc...
> on the Software/Project Navigator.
> The detail summary is in [16]. To summarize,
>  - I shared I18n process to First Contact SIG members. Participants
> acknowledged that
>    setting *translation period* would be needed but starting from
> initial translation process
>    would be a good idea since it is not translated yet
>  - Participants think that user groups would be interested in
> translating contributor guide.
>  - Me will setup translation sync and publication on contributor guide
> and Kendall Nelson would kindly
>    help explain the background of adding contributor guide for
> translator target.
> Although I18n team now uses Launchpad [18] for task management,
> I think there are mix on multiple language issues on "bugs" section,
> which prevents from maintance
> by language coordinators. After discussion on I18n mailing list [19], I
> thought that it would be very grat
> if Storyboard is internationalized so that I18n team can migrate from
> Launchpad to Storyboard and
> more global contributors access to Storyboard with their native language.
> One issue regarding I18n-ing Storyboard was that story description for
> most projects needs to be written
> in English, but I18n-ing Storyboard might mislead contributors to write
> description in non-English.
> Participants thought that adding a warning message on posting pages
> (e.g., posting a Story) would solve this issue.
> Participants shared current implementation technologies used in
> Storyboard and other dashboard projects
> such as Horizon and TripleO UI. Brainstorming and making use of I18n-ing
> libraries on Storyboard is an action item at current point.
> *
> I participated in a brief discussion with OpenStack-Helm team for
> documentation contribution from Korean to English.
> Current documentation and I18n process starts from English to multiple
> languages, but some active contributors in OpenStack-Helm team
> would like to contribute to Korean documentation first and translate
> from Korean into English.
> My suggestion is to keep current documentation and I18n process but add
> more additional steps before English rst-based documentation.
> For example, if OpenStack-Helm team cores agree to have
> *doc-ko_KR/source* folder, contributing Korean documentation is limited
> to the folder,
> Zanata helps to translate from Korean to English on the folder,
> translated po can make English rsts, and translated rst files are added
> to *doc/source* folder,
> there might be no affect on existing documentation & I18n process and
> Korean documentation contrubution and translation from Korean to English
> would be encouraged.
> OpenStack-Helm team agreed with this step, and I think this would be a
> good step for more Internationalization as a pilot project first but
> this can be extended
> to more projects in future.
> This is my summary on I18n issues discussed during Stein PTG.
> Thanks a lot for all members who involve and help Documentation and I18n.
> Although there were no discussion on setting translation plans and
> priorities, let's do that through [21] with Frank :)
> And finally, more pictures are available through [22] :)
> With many thanks,
> /Ian
> [1]
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-i18n/+spec/project-doc-translation-support
> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/545377/
> [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/581000/
> [4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-docs-support-pdf-and-translation
> [5] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/580495/
> [6]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-September/134609.html
> [7]
> https://docs.openstack.org/infra/openstack-zuul-jobs/jobs.html#job-openstack-tox-docs
> [8] https://www.openstack.org/user-survey
> [9]
> https://www.openstack.org/edge-computing/cloud-edge-computing-beyond-the-data-center
> [10]
> https://www.openstack.org/containers/leveraging-containers-and-openstack/
> [11]
> https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/official_translator.html#atc-status-in-i18n-project
> [12]
> https://governance.openstack.org/uc/reference/charter.html#active-user-contributors-auc
> [13] https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/release_management.html
> [14]
> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-manuals/tree/www/project-data/rocky.yaml
> [15]
> https://github.com/ttx/openstack-map/blob/master/openstack_components.yaml
> [16] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/FC_SIG_ptg_stein
> [17] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sb-stein-ptg-planning
> [18] https://launchpad.net/openstack-i18n
> [19]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2018-September/003307.html
> [20]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack/2018-September/046937.html
> [21]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2018-September/003314.html
> [22]
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2pmvfkstudih2wf/AAAG2c6C_OXorMRFH66AvboYa/Docs%20%2B%20i18n
> Petr Kovar wrote on 9/20/2018 8:37 AM:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Just wanted to share a summary of docs- and i18n-related meetings
> > and discussions we had in Denver last week during the Stein Project
> > Teams Gathering.
> >
> > The overall schedule for all our sessions with additional comments and
> > meeting minutes can be found here:
> >
> > https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/docs-i18n-ptg-stein
> >
> > Our obligatory team picture (with quite a few members missing) can be
> > found here (courtesy of Foundation folks):
> >
> > https://pmkovar.fedorapeople.org/DSC_4422.JPG
> >
> > To summarize what I found most important:
> >
> >
> > We met with the Ops community to discuss the future of Ops docs. The plan
> > is for the Ops group to take ownership of the operations-guide (done),
> > ha-guide (in progress), and the arch-design guide (to do).
> >
> > These three documents are being moved from openstack-manuals to their own
> > repos, owned by the newly formed Operations Documentation SIG.
> >
> > See also
> >
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetup-ptg-denver-2018-operations-guide
> > for more notes.
> >
> >
> > We discussed improving the site navigation, guide summaries (particularly
> > install-guide), adding a new index page for project team contrib guides,
> and
> > more. We met with the Foundation staff to discuss the possibility of
> getting
> > assistance with site design work.
> >
> > We are also looking into accepting contributions from the Strategic Focus
> > Areas folks to make parts of the docs toolchain like openstackdocstheme
> more
> > easily reusable outside of the official OpenStack infrastructure.
> >
> > We got feedback on front page template for project team docs, with Ironic
> > being the pilot for us.
> >
> > We got input on restructuring and reworking specs site to make it easier
> > for users to understand that specs are not feature descriptions nor
> project
> > docs, and to make it more consistent in how the project teams publish
> their
> > specs. This will need to be further discussed with the folks owning the
> > specs site infra.
> >
> > Support status badges showing at the top of docs.o.o pages may not work
> well
> > for projects following the cycle-with-intermediary release model, such as
> > Swift. We need to rethink how we configure and present the badges.
> >
> > There are also some UX bugs present for the badges
> > (https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-doc-tools/+bug/1788389).
> >
> >
> > We met with the infra team to discuss progress on translating project
> team
> > docs and, related to that, PDF builds.
> >
> > With the Foundation staff, we discussed translating Edge and Container
> > whitepapers and related material.
> >
> >
> > With the QA team, we discussed the scope and purpose of the
> > /doc/source/reference documentation area in project docs. Because the
> > scope of /reference might be unclear and used inconsistently by project
> > teams, the suggestion is to continue with the original migration plan and
> > migrate REST API and possibly Release Notes under /doc/source, as
> described
> > in https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/project-guides.html.
> >
> >
> > The OpenStack Contributor Guide was discussed in a separate session, see
> > https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/FC_SIG_ptg_stein for notes.
> >
> > THAT'S IT?
> >
> > Please add to the list if I missed anything important, particularly for
> > i18n.
> >
> > Thank you to everybody who attended the sessions, and a special thanks
> goes
> > to all the PTG organizers!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > pk
> >
> >
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