On Oct 4 2018, at 1:40 pm, Doug Hellmann <d...@doughellmann.com> wrote:
> During the TC office hours today [1] we discussed the question of
> resuming having formal meetings of the TC to ensure we are in compliance
> with the section of the bylaws that says "The Technical Committee shall
> meet at least quarterly." [2] As not all TC members were present today,
> we decide to move the discussion to the mailing list to ensure all
> members have input into the decision.
> A bit of background
> -------------------
> The TC used to hold formal weekly meetings with agendas, roll call,
> etc. We stopped doing that in an attempt to encourage more asynchronous
> communication and to include folks in all time zones. Those meetings
> were replaced with less formal "office hours" where TC members were
> encouraged to be present on IRC in case the community had questions or
> issues to raise in a synchronous forum.
> The bylaws section that describes the membership and some of the
> expectations for the Technical Committee specifically requires us to
> meet at least once quarter year. We have had meetings at the PTGs and
> summits, which while not recorded via a roll call were open and
> documented afterwards with summaries to this mailing list.
> With the change in event schedule, we will no longer have obvious
> opportunities to hold 4 in-person meetings each year. During the
> discussion today, we established the general consensus that our current
> informal office hours do not constitute a "meeting" in the sense that
> any of us understand this requirement. As a result, we need to consider
> changes to our current meeting policy to ensure we are in compliance
> with the foundation bylaws.
> Today's discussion
> ------------------
> A few folks expressed concern that we work to ensure these meetings
> *not* be seen as a replacement for asynchronous communication, and that
> we continue to encourage ad hoc discussions to continue to happen on the
> mailing list or during office hours. I think we agreed we could do that
> by managing the agenda carefully (i.e., the chair or vice chair would
> need to add topics to the agenda, rather than allowing anyone to add
> anything as we have done in the past). We also talked about only
> allowing recurring topics on the agenda, but I would prefer that we not
> write too many hard rules at the outset.
> We discussed how frequently we should meet, and everyone seemed to agree
> that weekly was too often and quarterly was not often enough. I proposed
> monthly, and there was some general support for that. We also talked
> about whether to find a new meeting time or to use one of the office
> hour times.
> As things stand now, the proposal is to try to find a time a few hours
> earlier than office hours on the first Thursday of each month for the
> meetings. The earlier time is so that APAC participants (Ghanshyam, in
> particular) do not need to stay up until midnight or later to
> participate.
> Next steps
> ----------
> TC members, please reply to this thread and indicate if you would find
> meeting at 1300 UTC on the first Thursday of every month acceptable, and
> of course include any other comments you might have (including alternate
> times).

I think every 1 month is a bit too much. Especially if we're going to rotate to 
be able to accommodate those in APAC time zones, they might not be able to make 
a proper meeting in 2 months.
I don't think a very brief weekly one that's planned which we can skip is a 
huge burden on all of us, finding an hour of time isn't too unreasonable (and 
we mostly are already doing it during office hours anyways).
> Thanks,
> Doug
> [1] 
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23openstack-tc.2018-10-04.log.html#t2018-10-04T15:02:31
> [2] https://www.openstack.org/legal/technical-committee-member-policy/ (item 
> #4)
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