Dear All,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
I'm new in TripleO. After some investigation, I have one question on UnderCloud 
& OverCloud. Per my understanding, UnderCloud will pre-install and set up all 
baremetal servers used for OverCloud. Seems like it assumes all baremetal 
server should be installed in advance. Then my question is from green and 
elasticity point of view. Initially OverCloud should have zero baremetal 
server. Per user demands, OverCloud Nova Scheduler should decide if I need more 
baremetal server, then talk to UnderCloud to allocate more baremetal servers, 
which will use Heat to orchestrate baremetal server starts. Does it make 
senses? Does it already plan in the roadmap?
If UnderCloud resources are created/deleted elastically, why not OverCloud 
talks to Ironic to allocate resource directly? Seems like it can achieve same 
goal. What else features UnderCloud will provide? Thanks in advance.
Best RegardsLeslie                                        
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