
thanks a lot to all who have responded already!

Joe, thanks a lot for those comments. See below.

On 01.01.2014 01:14, Joe Gordon wrote:

This sounds like what I would imagine should be a very common use case, so it would be really great if we can support this. And as always support means tested in gate.
Yes, I can imagine that this is a very common use case for large installations indeed. Fully agree.

To put this in other terms, it sounds like you want one role to set per project quota's, and another role to set user quotas for that specific project (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/per-user-quotas).

Both of those quota mechanisms exist today, but the roles you desire do not exist by default. So I think all that is needed to support your use case is make sure nova works with your desired roles. That involves fixing any issues and writing a test we can gate on.

So I think the outcome of this work will consist of:

* Changing the default policy.json file we use
* An easy upgrade path
* Documentation explaining the new default roles
* Some small changes to nova to understand the new roles, along with unit tests.
* Tempest tests

    I'd like to ask people for their opinion on how such a schema
    should be implemented. There are several aspects which need to be
    taken into account here:
    - There are people with different roles in this game:
      +- the main resource manager role is a super user role which can
    but does not have to be identical to the cloud manager.
         Persons with this role should be able to change all numbers
    down in the tree. In general, the cloud manager and the resource
    manager role are
         not identical in my opinion. Persons with this role should
    also be able to nominate other resource managers and give them a
    fraction of the resources
     +- a normal resource manager is a bit like the main resource
    manager, with the exception that he can only manage the fraction
    of the resources he was allocated by a person "above" him
     +- a normal user: persons with this role can only consume resources

This can be supported via our policy logic (http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/tree/etc/nova/policy.json). By default we don't define that many roles by default.
Great! So maybe the roles issue is a much more easy one than we though initially.

    - several people can have the same role. This is necessary to be
    able to cover eg. holiday season or sick leave periods where one
    manager is not available. Maybe introducing a group concept here
    would be appropriate, in a way that roles are assigned to groups
    and people are assigned to the groups instead of assigning roles
    directly to individuals.

I think keystone supports this today.

    - When I say "Quota" what I'm talking about is actually just a
    number, eventually assigned with some unit. It could be a static
    limit on a specific resource like number of VMs or the amount of
    memory or disk space, or it could be something different like
    computing performance or even something like a currency at the
    longer term

    - What is the right place to store such "groups" or "roles" ? What
    do people think ?

    We are currently only interested in limit settings for Nova. The
    described ideas could be implemented as part of Nova, or as an
    entirely independent external tool (which might be incorporated
    later). IMO the latter approach has some advantages but I'd like
    to hear peoples opinion about this.

I think this should be directly in nova.
Yes. This will cover our main use case.

Keep in touch!

    We'll have some man power available to work on the design and the
    implementation of this so I'd expect to see some rapid progress if
    everbody agrees that this is a useful thing to do.


    Thanks a lot for your comments/opinions!

    Kind regards,

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