I've spent some time over the past day or two looking at the dependencies
between modules in the oslo incubator, trying to balance the desire to have
a small number of libraries with themes that make sense and the need to
eliminate circular dependencies.

The results of all of this are posted to
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Oslo/GraduationStatus, where I have grouped
the modules together into proposed libraries.

The dependencies between the libraries can be seen in several graphs I've
prepared and posted to https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Oslo/Dependencies

Once we settle on the list of libraries, the next step is to look at the
lowest level libraries to see what steps need to be taken before they can
be released. I plan to start on that after the icehouse-2 deadline.

Oslo team (and other interested parties), please take a look at the two
wiki pages above and provide any feedback you have here on this ML thread.

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