On 2014-01-15 07:05, Flavio Percoco wrote:
On 15/01/14 07:44 -0500, Doug Hellmann wrote:

I don't see a problem with doing that, but I'm not clear on where we're including the hash. In the file itself, in a separate file, and/or in
       commit message?

Even if we do no more automation, having the commit hash of the last
       sync would
be immensely helpful. Not having to comb through commit logs to figure
       when the last sync happened would be fantastic. :-)

We should keep it in the openstack-modules.conf file and put it in the
   commit message as well. IMHO.

I was thinking the commit message, but if you see usefulness in including the
conf file, we could do that, too.

As for now, the use I can think of is to know what was the last
oslo-incubator commit that was synced. We could get the same info by
using git log and copying the commit but it's easier to check that
file. (Pretty much like submodules do).

And if we ever need to do something with that, it'll be easier to get
the sha from the config file. This argument violates YAGNI, though... :D

To me, not having to search the target project's git log to find the last sync is enough need to justify it. Storing the last sync hash shouldn't be a significant amount of work if we're already going to be putting it in the commit hash, and if it makes syncs a little easier then I think it's absolutely worth it.


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