I created a new PDF file to show two parameters (i.e. not referring 
“enable_dhcp”). Here is the link. I also updated BP too.



On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:31 PM, Shixiong Shang <sparkofwisdom.cl...@gmail.com> 

> Hi, Anthony:
> I think we are saying the same thing. Yes, there must be two parameters, and 
> they are independent. What I mean of "simplifying" referred to the CLI. If 
> user provides RA mode, then the 2nd parameter will have default value if user 
> doesn't specify it.  However, user can also indicate different value 
> explicitly. 
> The use cases you pointed out are also called out in the table attached to 
> the end of the email. Anything caught your eyes?
> Thanks, Anthony!
> Shixiong
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:46 PM, "Veiga, Anthony" 
> <anthony_ve...@cable.comcast.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Sean and Xuhan:
>> I totally agree. This is not the ultimate solution with the assumption that 
>> we had to use “enable_dhcp”.
>> We haven’t decided the name of another parameter, however, we are open to 
>> any suggestions. As we mentioned during the meeting, the second parameter 
>> should highlight the need of addressing. If so, it should have at least four 
>> values:
>> 1) off (i.e. address is assigned by external devices out of OpenStack 
>> control)
>> 2) slaac (i.e. address is calculated based on RA sent by OpenStack dnsmasq)
>> 3) dhcpv6-stateful (i.e. address is obtained from OpenStack dnsmasq acting 
>> as DHCPv6 stateful server)
>> 4) dhcpv6-stateless (i.e. address is calculated based on RA sent from either 
>> OpenStack dnsmasq, or external router, and optional information is retrieved 
>> from OpenStack dnsmasq acting as DHCPv6 stateless server)
>> This I agree with.
>> In other words, the original “on” mode captured in “enable_dhcp" should 
>> provide more granularity. Since the bits in RA will trigger VM to take 
>> certain actions (calculate address, solicit DHCPv6, etc.), I think we can 
>> simplify it by saying, if OpenStack RA Mode is 
>> slacc/dhcpv6-stateful/dhcpv6-stateless, then by default, the 2nd parameters 
>> shares the same value. 
>> Absolutely not.  The reason for separating routing and addressing is because 
>> you can't assume that because one piece is present, that the other is too.  
>> If I want OpenStack to assign addresses via DHCPv6, then I set the 
>> addressing parameter to stateful.  But maybe I want the RA to come from my 
>> provider network router.  In that case, the RA mode is OFF.  We MUST 
>> separate these, as there are other permutations as well.
>> Thanks!
>> Shixiong
>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Xuhan Peng <pengxu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think what will confuse openstack end user/admin will be the difference 
>>> between the combination of "RA mode=slaac, enable_dhcp=off" and "RA 
>>> mode=dhcpv6_stateless, enable_dhcp=off". The only difference will be if 
>>> getting optional info from external DHCPv6 server using DHCPv6 stateless 
>>> but it's hard to tell from the RA mode unless the admin is very familiar 
>>> with dnsmasq. I think we are trying to isolate the detail of dnsmasq 
>>> configuration from the API attribute here based on our previous discussion, 
>>> but I could not figure out a better mode name here too. 
>>> Just want to point out this before going to bed. Will be back tomorrow and 
>>> check on other ones' input on this. 
>>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Shixiong Shang 
>>> <sparkofwisdom.cl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Shixiong Shang <sparkofwisdom.cl...@gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: Cannot make it today at 4pm EST
>>>> Date: January 17, 2014 at 3:09:56 PM EST
>>>> To: "Veiga, Anthony" <anthony_ve...@cable.comcast.com>
>>>> Cc: "Ian Wells (iawells)" <iawe...@cisco.com>
>>>> Hi, Anthony and Ian:
>>>> Not sure how the API discussion is going with Neutron team. Please let me 
>>>> know what I can help from my side.
>>>> Last night, I put together this slide to summarize the possible 
>>>> combinations of RA mode and “enable_dhcp” keyword. It is quite clear that 
>>>> the current on/off boolean value won’t be sufficient. However, I think it 
>>>> is still possible to support this pair of keywords within IceHouse 
>>>> timeline while negotiating with Neutron team for more flexible approach in 
>>>> the next major release.
>>>> If you are thinking along the same line, would you please let me know what 
>>>> I overlooked?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Shixiong
>>>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>>>> On Jan 14, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Veiga, Anthony 
>>>> <anthony_ve...@cable.comcast.com> wrote:
>>>>>> OK, I see that we're back to splitting the RA and DHCP modes, though I'm 
>>>>>> not sure why - enable_dhcp is bugger all use for anything other than a 
>>>>>> flat-out disable flag, since it's a boolean, so it's not like we can 
>>>>>> make much use of it.  Otherwise are we talking about whether we have an 
>>>>>> external router and/or DHCP server?
>>>>> Precisely this.  We determined multiple times previously that there is a 
>>>>> chance of either of these items being external to OpenStack.  Where 
>>>>> appropriate, we need to also be able to get out of the way.
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Ian.
>>>>>> From: <Veiga>, Anthony <anthony_ve...@cable.comcast.com>
>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, 14 January 2014 21:34
>>>>>> To: Ian Wells <iawe...@cisco.com>, Shixiong Shang 
>>>>>> <sparkofwisdom.cl...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Cannot make it today at 4pm EST
>>>>>>> You missed the first part of the meeting this morning.  Addressing 
>>>>>>> should be either off, stateful or stateless and routing should be the 4 
>>>>>>> modes.  If enable_dhcp is there, then it's boolean and cuts off our 
>>>>>>> stateful/stateless determination.  Unless you think we should provide 
>>>>>>> everything to dnsmasq and hope the clients are smart enough to only 
>>>>>>> send the options flag?
>>>>>>>> I don't think so.
>>>>>>>> Given the two attrs below we have 6 permutations of values.  Three of 
>>>>>>>> those are simply 'off'.  The other three are our three settings that 
>>>>>>>> weren't 'off'.  We monitor changes to either value.
>>>>>>>> What are you seeing that I'm not?
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Ian.
>>>>>>>> From: <Veiga>, Anthony <anthony_ve...@cable.comcast.com>
>>>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, 14 January 2014 21:28
>>>>>>>> To: Ian Wells <iawe...@cisco.com>, Shixiong Shang 
>>>>>>>> <sparkofwisdom.cl...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Cannot make it today at 4pm EST
>>>>>>>>> So now we need 3 attributes.  One is enable_dhcp, one is dhcp_mode, 
>>>>>>>>> and one is ra_mode.  We can't do permutations, because some of them 
>>>>>>>>> would be dependent on enable_dhcp, which our routines would no longer 
>>>>>>>>> control.
>>>>>>>>>> OK, I tracked Mark down and asked about what he was on with.  I'm 
>>>>>>>>>> not saying I like the result of it though.
>>>>>>>>>> The point they're making is that enable_dhcp exists on a v6 subnet 
>>>>>>>>>> and should enable or disable DHCP if no-one touches anything else 
>>>>>>>>>> there, because that's what it used to do (and apparently it even 
>>>>>>>>>> worked with NVP).  So instead of one value, we need two:
>>>>>>>>>> enable_dhcp = false (our 'off') or true (anything else)
>>>>>>>>>> ipv6_addr_mode = slaac, dhcpv6-stateless, dhcpv6-stateful (which, 
>>>>>>>>>> because it was the default in the old world, wants to remain as DHCP 
>>>>>>>>>> providing the address as default in the new one) - obviously if 
>>>>>>>>>> enable_dhcp is off this is ignored.
>>>>>>>>>> It's a matter of API compatibility so they're not going to move on 
>>>>>>>>>> this.  It's not as nice as what we had but it's what we have to do, 
>>>>>>>>>> I think.
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>> Ian.
>>>>>>>>>> From: <Veiga>, Anthony <anthony_ve...@cable.comcast.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Date: Monday, 13 January 2014 23:48
>>>>>>>>>> To: Ian Wells <iawe...@cisco.com>, Shixiong Shang 
>>>>>>>>>> <sparkofwisdom.cl...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Cannot make it today at 4pm EST
>>>>>>>>>>> See below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am curios as to why stateless is the default.  Shouldn't SLAAC 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be default for all /64's and stateless be default for everything 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> else?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [SHSHANG] I like this proposal better.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If nothing lese stateless in all cases is easier to document.  In 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the (perhaps unlikely) event that things work in all cases 
>>>>>>>>>>>> stateless is more flexible, too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to be ABSOLUTELY, 100% CLEAR, this section is for the RA 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> definition only, correct?  I want to make sure we're still 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decoupling the RA configuration and the Addressing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration.  There are still use cases for OpenStack 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provisioning via DHCPv6, but the router being an external 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> device.  We absolutely have to decouple these.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [SHSHANG] Good point. In your case, can user adopt “off” mode, so 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> external router will send RA to trigger VM provisioning with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> DHCPv6? In case that OpenStack Neutron router sending RA and VM 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> provisioning with DHCPv6 (via dnsmasq), then user can use our 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dhcpv6-stateful and dhcpv6-stateless. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently the way I coded the dhcp client is, if user choose 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dhcpv6-stateful or dhcpv6-stateless, the dnsmasq also acts as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> DHCPv6 server for the subnet. This behavior should not conflict 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the case as you mentioned previously.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If the gateway is set and there's no router attached then the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> external router would be expected to provide the right sort of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> RA's, I guess? A little weird, but flexible.
>>>>>>>>>>> No, the issue here is that we still want Stateful DHCPv6.  I just 
>>>>>>>>>>> don't want dnsmasq issuing the RA.  I want Addressing from 
>>>>>>>>>>> OpenStack, but not routing (I.e. No RA)
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